14-Year-Old Sentenced To Life For Killing Family, Including 6-Month Old Brother

A judge sentenced Alabama teen Mason Sisk to life without parole for the murder of five family members, including three of his younger siblings.

Mason, now 18 years old, committed the crime when he was just 14. Circuit Judge Chadwick Wise made the decision to give Mason life in prison, according to CBS News.

Wise called the crime “ghastly, disturbing, and draped in unmitigated evil,” and was intent on giving the teen the hardest punishment possible, CBS News reported.

Mason Sisk sentenced to life in prison for family’s murder https://t.co/T3HRrDZ2CY

— News 19 (@whnt) September 7, 2023

A jury convicted Mason of multiple counts of capital murder in April for the 2019 shooting of his family, according to The Associated Press (The AP).

On September 2, 2019, authorities found John Wayne Sisk, 38, and Mary Sisk, 35, dead in their home. Alongside them were their children, Kane, 6, Aurora, 4, and six-month-old Colson. Mason shot all of them in the head, The AP noted.

Authorities say Mason initially told them he was in the basement playing video games when the incident occurred in their home in Elkmont, and when he ran outside after hearing gunshots, he reportedly saw a vehicle pulling away. After further investigation, Mason told authorities it was he who killed his five family members, per CBS News (RELATED: Flying Beach Umbrella Impales Woman’s Leg Straight Through)

The Supreme Court says life sentences for individuals under the age of 18 at the time of their crime should be reserved for the rarest of cases. Judge Wise decided this was one of those rare cases and sentenced the teenager to life in prison.

Upon hearing his sentencing, Mason had no reaction whatsoever, according to WHNT.
