17 Illegal Aliens on FBI’s Terror Watch List Encountered at Southern Border in November: Border Patrol | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

17 Illegal Aliens on FBI’s Terror Watch List Encountered at Southern Border in November: Border Patrol

Joe Biden’s America.

According to data from Customs and Border Protection, there were 17 illegals encountered in November that were on the FBI’s terror watchlist.

This is just what we know of. The number of terrorists flooding into the US on Joe Biden’s watch is much worse than we know.

Fox News reported:

There were 17 encounters of people between ports of entry at the southern border on the FBI’s terror watch list in November, according to data released Friday by Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

It brings the total of people encountered by the Border Patrol between ports of entry on the watch list to 30 for FY 24, which began in October.

The watch list, now officially called the Terrorist Screening Dataset, is the U.S. database that contains information on terrorist identities and includes not only known or suspected terrorists but also affiliates of watch-listed individuals.

Fiscal year 2023 set a record with people encountered at the southern border on the terror watchlist with over 160. Compare that with 2022 which had just under 100.

With the volume of illegals flooding the southern border, it is easier for a terrorist to get into the U.S. A majority of those crossing the border are released into the country with zero accountability.

TGP reported in October about warnings from the CBP about Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists attempting to get into the U.S. through the southern border.

The southern border is already a mess even without the chaos of Hamas terrorists. Go figure, now the U.S. has to be extra vigilant for these terrorist organizations who want to enter through the porous border to do Americans harm.

The CBP San Diego field office sent out a bulletin to its officers warning of Jihadists trying to get into the U.S. through the southern border. The terrorist attacks against Israel have potentially inspired Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Jihadists to make their way into our nation.

The bulletin also warned of single travelers with an undetermined return plan and regional affiliations to areas of terrorist activity.

