MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: King Willem-Alexander to Convene Dutch Right-Wing Goverment as Geert Wilders Visits Brussels to Plan Saving the Continent | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson

MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: King Willem-Alexander to Convene Dutch Right-Wing Goverment as Geert Wilders Visits Brussels to Plan Saving the Continent

Geert Wilders and Marine LePen in Brussels Wednesday


Dutch right-wing leader Geert Wilders has reached a deal with three other parties to form a right-wing government led by former Dutch spy chief Dick Schoof. While patriot Wilders agreed to step aside as Prime Minister for the sake of his country, his Freedom Party will get the most cabinet-level positions, including immigration and security.

After a half-year’s negotiations with the RINO People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), conservative New Social Contract (NSC) and Farmer’s Citizen’s Movement BBB, Wilders’ Freedom Party (Partij voor Vrijheid PVV) has reached a deal that will allow patriots to resume control of their country and end the out-of-control mass immigration that has turned cities like Rotterdam into gang war zones.

Since he could not get the other parties to accept him as Prime Minister despite leading the strongest party in Holland, Wilders picked Dick Schoof, former National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and former secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, as Prime Minister. Schoof is a former Social Democrat who became disillusioned with the Left – and left.

Dutch King Willem-Alexander is expected to soon appear on the palace stairs for the traditional photo with the Netherlands’ first patriotic right-wing cabinet.

The Freedom Party will supply five ministers out of 15, and four state secretaries in the new government, Wilders wrote: Minister of Asylum and Migration, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Minister of Economic Affairs, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management and Minister for Foreign Trade and Development.

The Freedom Party will also post state secretaries for Justice and Security, Kingdom Relations and Digitalization, Public Transport and Environment, and Long-term and Social Care.

On Wednesday, Wilders traveled to Brussels to meet with Marine Le Pen and other delegates of the right-wing “Identity and Democracy” caucus. After the EU elections on June 9, LePen’s “Rassemblement National” became one of the largest parties in the joke “EU Parliament”.

The sham “EU Parliament” cannot propose laws, only rubber-stamp them, and therefore wields almost no real power.

Except if a powerful right-wing bloc achieved a majority.

In which case it could bring the whole bleepshow to a grinding halt with its only power: A blanket veto on the Commission or the budget.

So Brussels may get interesting yet.

