WATCH: Kari Lake Attorney Kurt Olsen Discusses Tuesday’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing to Ban the Use of Voting Machines and NEW EVIDENCE OF MALWARE | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

WATCH: Kari Lake Attorney Kurt Olsen Discusses Tuesday’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Hearing to Ban the Use of Voting Machines and NEW EVIDENCE OF MALWARE

Kari Lake’s attorneys are in the Ninth Circuit of Appeals today in their lawsuit against the Arizona Secretary of State and the fraud-ridden voting machines in Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Kari Lake’s lawsuit against Katie Hobbs to prohibit the use of electronic voting machines in the 2022 Midterm Elections was dismissed last August by corrupt Obama Judge John Tuchi, alleging that Lake did not have the standing to bring the case.

In May, The Gateway Pundit reported on explosive findings by Kari Lake’s legal team, including that Maricopa County employees engaged in the secret and illegal reconfiguration and testing of voting machines and printers after they were certified and before the election. This caused voting machines and ballot printers to fail at 59% of voting locations targeting Republicans on Election Day.

This illegal testing occurred with no documentation or logging of tamper-evident seals in violation of the Elections Procedures Manual and the law. It was also conducted after the statutorily required October 11 testing, and the legally required public notice was not given. In the video from October 14, the reprogrammed ballot tabulators can be seen jamming as employees test them, just as they did on Election Day.

This caused Election Day tabulators to reject nearly 1/4 million vote attempts on election day, according to the tabulator system log files. This contradicts Maricopa County’s claim that less than 18,000 ballots were affected by machine failures at just 60% of vote centers. “Tabulators failed at 235 times the Election Assistance Commission’s regulated failure rates,” said We The People Arizona Alliance’s Shelby Busch in an Arizona Senate presentation where she exposed the massive 2022 voter fraud. 

It is impossible to know how many votes were truly affected by the fraud on election day.

When The Gateway Pundit correspondent attempted to question then-Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, responsible for machine logic and accuracy testing in the 2022 election, about these issues, he was hit with a “Give it a f*cking rest, Jordan!” from the illegitimate Arizona Governor.

MUST SEE! “Give it a F*cking Rest, Jordan!” – Katie Hobbs Yells at TGP Reporter as She Runs Away From Questions With Security (VIDEO)

Kari Lake was proven correct by the 2022 fraudulent election. The Court of Appeals must make the correct ruling and ban the use of unsecured voting machines in Arizona’s elections.

Kari Lake tweeted,

In April 2022, I filed a case in federal court asking a judge to BLOCK the use of electronic tabulators in the election. The Obama-appointed judge dismissed it. On Election Day, 59% of those machines FAILED across Maricopa County. On Tuesday, 9/12 our appeal will be HEARD before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Election Day Sabotage in Maricopa County proved our case. Now, the voters of Arizona await justice from the courts.

The Gateway Pundit reported just before Kari Lake’s historic trial in December that corrupt Obama Judge John Tuchi in Arizona ruled in favor of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and sanctioned Kari Lake and Mark Finchem for exercising their right to petition Maricopa County’s procedures before the election. Tuchi waited four months after the dismissing the case, until after the General Election was stolen, to do this. It appears this was an intentional move to discredit Lake and her attorneys before they filed a lawsuit against the stolen election.

This is the same Judge who ruled that Maricopa County was justified in discriminating against TGP reporter Jordan Conradson and preventing him access to the county’s press room after another corrupt election disaster in the county. Tuchi’s decision to allow a blatant First Amendment rights violation was later overturned in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where Lake and Finchem’s case will be heard on Tuesday.

Lake Attorney Kurt Olsen joined Brannon Howse on Frank Speech to share updates on their findings on the corrupt machines and what he is expecting at today’s hearing.

Lake shared the clip, commenting, “Evidence shows the Election Day printer “failures” were caused by malware or by remote access. This created chaos where over 200,000 ballots were ejected out of 248,000 votes cast. The media has RUSHED to the defense of Maricopa County. There’s NO defending the fraud.”

Olsen: If you recall, we filed an injunction against Maricopa and Pima County seeking to prohibit the use of electronic voting machines because they’re inherently insecure, and they violate the constitutional right to have an accurate vote, as well as equal protection. And we filed that with Kari Lake and Mark Finchem as the plaintiffs. They were candidates at the time…

We had a full hearing last summer in July, where five experts testified as to why these electronic voting machines should not be used in elections, how they’re insecure, and therefore, cannot provide a trustworthy, accurate vote.

The court dismissed that case based primarily on a purported lack of standing. You’ve heard about many other election challenges, it’s always a lack of standing, and standing is where a court has ruled that the plaintiff cannot allege an injury that a court can remedy. And so, this is used quite frequently by courts on election cases, as we know. We have appealed that decision, and it is going to be heard by a panel at the ninth circuit on September 12th.

Andrew Parker will be arguing the dismissal of that action. We think we have very, very strong grounds to have that decision reversed. And if it is reversed, that would open up Maricopa County and Pima County to discovery. In other words, the case would go forward with full subpoena power with full discovery, and we will be able to put people under oath. And as we know from Kari Lake’s election contest, there is a significant evidence of wrongdoing, unlawful conduct, and in particular with the machines themselves; precisely what we argued before the November 2022 election, that for example, malware could be implanted without anybody knowing.

We’ve found evidence of malware put on the printers that were used at the vote centers, 23 vote centers. And those printers are what caused the Election Day chaos. They were printing defective ballots and also 1000s of ballots where a 19 inch image was printed on 20 inch paper. And what that caused is the tabulators when those ballots are inserted, they can’t read them. So they reject those ballots. And the system log file to tell you the extent of this problem, the system log files for those tabulators show that there were over 7000 ballot rejections every 30 minutes beginning at 6:30am all the way through 8 pm when the polls even after the polls closed.

It was insane on election day. That’s over 200,000 ballot rejections on a day when there were only 248,000 votes cast. And so what happened that day where there was huge lines, a lot of frustrated people, people were giving up voting—lines out the door because they couldn’t cast a ballot. And we know that there is strong evidence of malware because after the election, in January, Maricopa decided to try to do an independent investigation into the printer issues. So they retained former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor to lead an investigation. And in that investigation report, which was released on April 10, 2023, they recounted an anomaly during their testing, which was extraordinary and that was they took 10 printers, and they said that during our testing, four of the printers began randomly printing fit-to-page ballots—that’s the 19-inch image on a 20-inch ballot paper that prevents it from being tabulated—they say four of the printers began printing random fit to page ballots, and here’s the kicker, and this is a quote: “none of the technical experts we consulted with could explain how or why that occurred.”

As Clay Parikh, who is an extraordinary expert on cyber issues, testified, that kind of random printing can only occur because of either malware being put on the printers, or what is called Remote Access or colloqually hacking. And since this was a test that was being conducted by Chief Justice McGregor’s team, remote access is unlikely, and the most likely explanation would be malware. And that’s precisely what we warned about in the injunction. That’s at issue on oral argument on the 12th.

Photo of author

Jordan Conradson is TGP’s Arizona correspondent. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in the State’s elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Arizona led to the resignation of one Maricopa County official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room. However, TGP and Jordan gained access after suing Maricopa County, the fourth largest county in America.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.

