‘Unplug Your Life Support In Order To Charge Their Cellphone’: Sen. John Kennedy Breaks Down Biden’s Political Future

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy broke down President Joe Biden’s post-debate political future Friday evening on “Hannity.”

Fox News guest host Kayleigh McEnany opened the segment noting Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner is gathering a group of Democratic senators to pressure Biden into ending his 2024 reelection bid following the first presidential debate. Kennedy then told McEnany he is “not sure” Biden’s pre-recorded interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos is enough to move the needle.

“I’m not sure, Kayleigh, that interviews like the president gave tonight matter much at this juncture. You can’t make this cat walk backwards,” Kennedy said. “People saw what they saw in that 90-minute debate, and I think most of them think that it’s only a matter of time before President Biden stumbles again because they understand that old age doesn’t get better, it gets worse.”

“Fairly or unfairly, I think most Americans have made up their minds,” he continued. “I think they have concluded that President Biden is old, that he is likely suffering from some form of neurodegenerative disease, that he’s suffered from for a while and that the White House and many members of the media industrial complex have covered it up and that cover-up has been toxic, in my opinion, for what it’s worth.”

“I think President Biden, politically, is as dead as fried chicken. He can now quit, he can be replaced — let me just finish my thought,” Kennedy said as McEnany began to respond. “Or he can run and lose. You can’t successfully run for president of the United States when your campaign slogan is, ‘I’m only senile some of the time,’ as one commentator pointed out today.”

McEnany told Kennedy his assessment of Biden is “right” and pondered aloud what the president’s advisors are telling him. She noted Biden denied his plummeting poll numbers when pressed by Stephanopoulos, then questioned if the Democratic incumbent’s team are just “telling him what he wants to hear.” (RELATED: ‘It Doesn’t Get Better’: ABC’s Martha Raddatz Highlights Fallout Following Biden’s First Post-Debate Interview)

“You shouldn’t look to Washington, D.C. for wisdom or comfort at this difficult time. As you know, most people in Washington, D.C. will unplug your life support in order to charge their cellphone,” Kennedy said. “Most people in Washington, D.C. right now are worried about how the president’s problems are going to impact them personally. I’m more interested in what the American people think.”

Kennedy told McEnany he finds no “joy” in discussing Biden’s decline, stating that it is “a difficult time.” The senator reiterated that voters “saw what they saw” during the debate and are “very concerned.”
