Biden throws down gauntlet for Democrats to challenge him for nomination – Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden challenged Democrats who wish to oust him from his party’s nomination on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, saying: “Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me. Announce for president. Challenge me at the convention.”

Biden made the remark as part of a fiery call-in to the program, shortly after he released a letter firmly stating he will not drop out of the presidential race, and mocked those who challenged him previously.

At least one Democrat has planned on challenging Biden already: Marianne Williamson, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination this year, garnering zero delegates. She’s pushing for an open convention in August, which would allow delegates to vote for whoever they want to be the nominee.

Some Democrats have floated the idea of throwing their hat into the ring if Biden withdraws, but few have challenged him outright. Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, who ran for president in 2020, said he would look at challenging for the nomination “seriously” if Biden steps aside.

Several House Democrats have called for Biden to step aside, but they haven’t challenged him directly.

Throughout the call, Biden appeared angry and made several key talking points against former President Donald Trump, hammering him on women’s rights, tax cuts for the rich, and his management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden even compared Trump to George Wallace, a prominent segregationist.

“He makes George Wallace look like a patriot,” Biden said.

Civil rights icon Al Sharpton endorsed Biden’s performance in the call, saying: “That’s the Joe Biden that came from behind in 2020 and won after becoming way behind in Iowa and New Hampshire.”

The call could serve as another tool in Biden’s arsenal against calls for him to step down following his concerning debate performance, or it could at least stall speculation against him until the Democratic National Convention, where he is, for now, going to be nominated in August.

Congressional Democrats will likely meet throughout the week with some discussions about what kind of pressure they can put on the president if they determine he needs to step aside.


At the start of Biden’s call, he made a laughing declaration, one further showing his resolve against the Democrats who want him to step down, to Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski.

“Hey, Mika, I’m more than the presumptive [nominee]. I’m going to be the Democratic nominee,” the president said.
