Video Shows Alleged Intoxicated Driver Almost Running Herself Over In Road Rage Incident

A video captured an alleged intoxicated driver almost running herself over during road rage incident, New York Post reported.

A video went viral shows a road-rage incident where a driver, amid a confrontation, forgot to engage her handbrake, leading to unexpected consequences. The video shows the woman, donned in a white tank top and a Miami Marlins baseball cap, angrily exiting her car to allegedly confront another motorist who was filming the exchange, according to the New York Post.

The confrontation started when a woman, who appeared intoxicated as she slurred her words, accused another driver of reckless driving. The driver of the other car bluntly stated, “You’re drunk as f–k,” to which he receives a sharp retort, “F–k you, guy!”

‘Drunk’ road-rage driver nearly runs herself over after yelling at motorist in viral video

— New York Post (@nypost) July 8, 2024

He argues back, “You’re the one swerving, I was just following you.” She then answered,  “I’m the one f–king swerving?!” As she got to argue further, her unsecured sedan began to roll away, prompting a frantic chase down the street, the outlet reported. The car eventually came to a halt after colliding with an SUV, causing damage to both vehicles. (RELATED: Video Shows First Responders Rescuing Semi-Truck Driver From Vehicle Dangling Off Bridge)

The aftermath saw the woman explaining the situation to the SUV’s driver, with the video cutting off as the vehicles resumed their way, the woman’s car now sporting a noticeable dent, according to the New York Post.
