Imagine Being A Billionaire’s Son And Marrying Anthony Weiner’s Ex … Meet Alex Soros

Imagine being the ex-wife of disgraced politician Anthony Weiner. Imagine you also lived through one of the biggest political scandals in modern American history as Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman. That should offer enough disgrace for a lifetime.

But we all know about Huma Abedin.

Now, imagine you’re the boy-toy heir of a billionaire evil genius who, knowing all of that, marries her anyway. Meet Alex Soros.

Congratulations are in order for Huma Abedin and Alex Soros, the couple are engaged! See all of the exclusive details here, including the power couple’s meet-cute.

— Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine) July 10, 2024

You probably knew right away from the last name, but Alex is the self-described “more political” son of George Soros. In 2023, he took over control of his aging father’s $25 billion philanthropy empire, the Open Societies Foundation, which has spent decades funding the West’s descent into a leftist hellscape. Once a “playboy” who graced the pages of gossip columns, he now spends his days hobnobbing with world leaders.

So, despite the nearly 10-year age difference and Abedin’s dotted past, the couple does seem to make the perfect match. They both spent their lives cozying up to political power, but never seeking to hold it directly themselves. As Washington’s latest power couple, they have decades of political manipulation, deception and backstabbing ahead of them.

Abedin could have rode off into the sunset, far away from her ex and Hilary Clinton’s emails. But if she’s not addicted to political power, she must just be a glutton for punishment.

The people of the West have woken up to what left-wing oligarchs like the Soros boys have pushed in their countries. Nationalists are rising up to show they have not been defeated by the “end of history.” If Abedin thinks she had haters through Clinton and Weiner, just wait until she learns how people feel about her as Mrs. Soros.
