How Is It Even Possible For A Poll To Show Biden-Trump Tie?

Many in the media, the donor class, and the Obama wing of the Democratic party are looking for President Joe Biden to step down, but they have one big problem.

The worst-case scenario for replacement advocates is for Biden to perform just well enough to justify staying in the race, but not well enough to actually win. So they were probably as horrified as I was to see a new Washington Post poll show Biden tied evenly with Donald Trump, 46-46.

NEW WaPo/Ipsos poll:

Biden 46
Trump 46

— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) July 11, 2024

How is this even possible?

The entire world listened to the 90 minutes of gobbledygook Biden had to say on the debate stage. More importantly, they barely saw him make it through alive.

The corporate media, late night comedians and Hollywood — from which tens of millions of Americans unthinkingly get their political opinions uploaded each day — immediately turned on him. You’d think their loyal followers would instantly grasp onto this new opinion, just like they did with COVID, racism and Russia. Alas, no.

I want to make fun of Blue America, “shitlibs” as one might call them, for being so lobotomized by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they will vote for a senile old grandpa. But this might actually be the most critical thinking they’ve exhibited in years. It’s quite shocking to see them form an opinion different from the consensus.

The media is telling them that Biden cannot run again. “No thanks,” says 46% of America, “we’ll stick with the cadaver.”

Thankfully, this poll seems to be an outlier. Donald Trump is up 3.3% in the polling average, and it’s more than likely that the media is right: Biden can’t win. By all means, shitlibs; stand by your man.
