EXCLUSIVE: Mike Pence’s Group Urges RNC To ‘Restore’ More Pro-Life Party Platform

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) sent a letter to Republican National Convention delegates on Friday urging them to adopt stronger pro-life language in the party’s platform.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) platform announced on Monday affirmed the party’s commitment to life and said that states are “free to pass laws protecting” life under the 14th Amendment, while also backing access to birth control and in vitro fertilization. AAF, which was founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, argued that the platform’s commitment to pro-life policies had been “watered down” and “ultimately compromised,” calling for RNC delegates to “restore” the party’s pro-life values, according to the letter. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Group Warns RNC Delegates Against Purging Pro-Life Positions From GOP Platform)

“For the first time in decades, the Republican Platform retreats on life,” the letter reads. “Pro-life Americans are rightly outraged and gravely concerned. As drafted, the platform removes long-standing Republican promises on life, from prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortion to a Constitutional amendment to specific protections for unborn babies.”

The platform was drafted and approved by the RNC platform committee Monday, and is set to be voted on by RNC delegates at the Republican National Convention next week.

“President Trump has long been consistent in supporting the rights of states to make decisions on abortion. Joe Biden and the Democrats are radically out of touch with the majority of Americans in their support for abortion up until birth and even after birth, and forcing taxpayers to fund it,” Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told the DCNF.

Party officials explicitly stated that “the platform isn’t being watered down” and smeared conservative organizations for “working to disrupt the convention.”

Guess what? They lied and watered down the platform on abortion, marriage, and IVF.

See for yourself below. https://t.co/0gdt2lP4t7 pic.twitter.com/hlGwUS39hJ

— John Shelton (@jayshelt) July 8, 2024

At various points over the last few decades, the Republican Party has supported adding a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution, called to end taxpayer funding for abortions, has condemned partial-birth abortions and has included language protecting babies who survived failed abortions, the letter noted.

The new platform acknowledges that states have the authority to legislate on abortion and that 14th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees a right to life; however, the platform specifically disavows “late term abortion” and supports access to in vitro fertilization and birth control.

“We proudly stand for families and Life,” the new RNC platform reads. “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).” (RELATED: Trump Agrees Abortion ‘Hurt’ GOP, Says Party Didn’t Know How To ‘Talk About Issue’)

Several pro-life groups like Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and Americans United for Life came out in support of the new platform, calling it a “set of common-sense promises,” according to a letter.

“President Donald J. Trump has a clear track record of keeping his promises,” the letter said. “During his first term, we pro-life and pro-family leaders applauded his courageous leadership. He appointed pro-life judges and was the first and only president to attend the March for Life. Not only did he pursue pro- life and pro-family policies, he showed mercy to the imprisoned and lifted up the forgotten men and women of America.”

Other pro-lifers like Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, criticized the new platform, calling it a “significant downgrade” compared to platforms from previous years, according to a post on X.

At the same time, prominent Republicans have come out against the language, with Mike Pence calling it a “profound disappointment,” in a press release.

“Unfortunately, this platform is part of a broader retreat in our party, trying to remain vague for political expedience,” Pence said in the press release. “But history shows that those who stand without apology for life and make their case to the American people are rewarded at the ballot box. (RELATED: Pro-Life Leaders Give Mixed Signals After Trump Fails To Endorse Federal Abortion Ban)

AAF urged the RNC delegates to return to what they view is a true pro-life platform.

“You can restore the RNC’s pro-life platform,” the letter reads. “We encourage you to support the Platform Committee’s Minority Report, amendments that strengthen the pro-life resolve of the platform, and to vote down any platform that weakens the party’s pro-life stance.”

The letter’s signatories included president and founder of Live Action Lila Rose, president of March for Life Action Jeanne Mancini and executive director of Advancing American Freedom Paul Teller.

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