Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony: Biden Regime Paying BILLIONS to Facilitate Child Trafficking via Government Contractors | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony: Biden Regime Paying BILLIONS to Facilitate Child Trafficking via Government Contractors

Guest Post by Miriam Judith.

During a round table held by Republican Senators on Tuesday, federal whistleblowers claimed that the Biden Regime is facilitating the trafficking of migrant children via contractors receiving billions of taxpayer dollars.

Deborah White and her colleague Tara Rodes, who are federal employees in the Health and Human Services Unaccompanied Child Program, both testified that the Office of Refugee Resettlement sent thousands of unaccompanied migrant children into potentially dangerous environments after failing to properly vet the sponsors they were being placed with.

According to White, there’s no question: these kids are being trafficked – and the Biden Regime is “complicit.”

From White’s shocking testimony:

“What I discovered was horrifying… Make no mistake – children were not going to their parents they were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to to vet sponsors and process children safely with government officials complicit in it.”

In one example, White brought up an alarming case in Florida that involved more than a dozen children linked to one sponsor at multiple addresses.

“Children were sent to addresses that were abandoned houses or non-existent in some cases” she added.

She also talked about another case in which a child was dropped off at an “open field” in Michigan by the HHS contractor. If that wasn’t bad enough, the child was left despite a 911 call coming in around the same area and time. The call reported someone screaming for help.

Rodas followed up White’s bombshell testimony with concerns for the safety of the children at the hands of these unvetted sponsors. As she points out, they could be anyone.

“To place vulnerable migrant children into the hands of sponsors with criminal history, gang affiliation, to whom many aren’t even their parents,” she said.

The whistleblowers also claimed that they never saw the sponsors face to face and that fraudulent documents were constantly being filed in the program. Furthermore, when White brought the issue to her HHS superiors, they belittled her and dismissed it as nothing. According to her, she was shot down every time she questioned anything about the program.

White claimed she was told by HHS response that “you’re not a fake ID expert, and your job is not to investigate the sponsors – your job is to reunify the child with the sponsor.”

She told CBS Austin that she blames the Biden administration and HHS for what is happening.

Watch the full whistleblower testimony below:

In a follow-up to the discussion, Senator Chuck Grassley affirmed all fears by releasing shocking records showing that HHS knowingly placed at least two migrant children into a household that was associated with the MS-13 gang.

BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Shocking Records Confirming HHS Placed Children to Sponsors Linked to MS-13 Gang

Democrats under the Biden administration have allowed and encouraged the mass invasion of illegals at our southern border. With this, we have seen an increase in unaccompanied migrant children with many becoming victims of human trafficking.

Instead of showing any concern over the lives of these children, democrats would rather turn a blind eye to the wellbeing of migrant children in their pursuit of illegal voters.

Democrats prove once again that these migrants are nothing to them, except political pawns and votes. Here we have another clear example of the party acting under the guise of “human rights”, while failing to protect even the fundamental human rights of children who are victims of Democrat-sponsored mass migration and its unfortunate side effects.

