BREAKING: Georgia State Election Board Calls Emergency Meeting as Fulton County Unlawfully Creates “Team of Monitors” for 2024 Election That Was Not Approved by the State | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

BREAKING: Georgia State Election Board Calls Emergency Meeting as Fulton County Unlawfully Creates “Team of Monitors” for 2024 Election That Was Not Approved by the State

The Georgia State Election Board has called for an emergency meeting today, July 12.

The move comes in response to reports that Fulton County officials have unlawfully established a team of monitors for the upcoming 2024 elections without state approval.

“BREAKING: The Georgia State Election Board has scheduled an emergency meeting today. Why? Because corrupt Fulton County officials have created a team of “monitors” for the 2024 election that HAVE NO APPROVAL FROM THE STATE. They’re getting ready to cheat. Again,” former Newsmax and OANN White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson wrote on X.

Former Trump administration chief spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, confirmed this on social media platform X, stating:

“In response to SEB2023-025, Fulton County and Raffensperger’s office are trying to ram through a ‘monitoring team’ that would put those who helped cover up 2020 in charge of observing Fulton County in 2024.”

Harrington further detailed her concerns about the proposed monitoring team’s members.

“The list includes Ryan Germany, Raffensperger’s general counsel in 2020 Matt Mashburn, former SEB member who sicced the FBI on the author of the SEB2023-025 complaint Monica Childers, who worked on the hand count audit for Voting Works, whose software ARLO included fraudulent entries amounting to at least 4,081 false Biden votes,” Harrington wrote.

Screenshot: Liz Harrington/X

Harrington further highlighted screenshots allegedly showing bias on the part of Childers. She called for real transparency and accountability over these elections, arguing that nothing will change with the same cover-up artists in charge.

Some of the screenshots below:

Screenshot courtesy of Liz Harrington
Screenshot courtesy of Liz Harrington

But there’s a problem. According to the documentation Harrington referenced, the establishment of such a team required prior agreement before a critical July 9 State Election Board meeting—a stipulation evidently bypassed by the county.

“Fulton County voted to approve this proposal yesterday. But there’s a problem. At the May 7 State Election Board meeting, a monitoring team was contingent on being agreed to BEFORE the July 9 meeting. This did not happen,” Harrington wrote. “Now they’re trying to ram through a 2020 Clean Up Crew to make sure 2024 is “legit,” she added.

The objectives of this Monitoring team are as follows:

Program Objectives

Following recognized standards for election observation, the Monitoring Team’s goal is to provide systematic, comprehensive, and accurate gathering of information regarding Fulton County’s administration of the 2024 election; to compile and issue timely, accurate, and impartial statements and reports presenting those findings; and to make recommendations to help improve the process. The Monitoring Team’s observation will be process and compliance-oriented and not concerned with any particular result of the election. The Monitoring Team will not obstruct or otherwise interfere with the election process.

Objective 1: Provide process and compliance-oriented monitoring, including quality assurance processes, of all aspects of election administration in Fulton County, including:

  • Security and Chain of Custody Procedures
  • Poll Worker Training
  • Ballot Proofing
  • Logic and Accuracy Testing
  • Warehouse and Equipment Storage and Delivery Procedures
  • Processing Absentee Ballot Applications
  • Preparing and Issuing Absentee Ballot Packages
  • Receiving and Verifying Absentee Ballots Absentee Ballot Drop Box Management
  • Early Processing of Absentee Ballots
  • Advance Voting
  • Election Day Voting and Polling Place Readiness
  • Polling Place Management including Recap Sheets and other Required Documentation (for Advance and Election Day Voting)
  • Poll Watcher Transparency and Management
  • Batch Management
  • Tabulation of Ballots (including Early Tabulation)
  • Reporting of Results
  • Canvassing and Reconciliation
  • Auditing
  • Post-Election Processes and Certification

Objective 2: Provide periodic statements of findings and a final report, including appropriate recommendations to help improve the election process, to the State Election Board, Secretary of State’s Office, Fulton County, and the public.

Scope of Work

The scope of the Monitoring Team’s work includes observing all aspects of election related activities in Fulton County, with a focus on the activities listed above. The monitoring will include review of written and unwritten policies and procedures, analysis of policies and procedures, observation of whether policies and procedure are being followed, and review of whether sufficient quality assurance mechanisms are in place to ensure that policies and procedures are being followed.

The Monitoring Team and its partners will also conduct in-person observation of as much of Advance Voting, Election Day voting, and tabulation as possible.


In order to conduct a robust and thorough observation, it is crucial that the Monitoring Team begin its work prior to ballots going out. The latest the Monitoring Team should start its work is August 2024.

In the interest of issuing a timely report and recommendations, the Team will seek to issue its Final Report by the end of November 2024.

Joint Accountabilities

The Monitoring Team will not hinder or obstruct the administration of the election and will follow the instructions of Fulton County elections personnel to ensure the Team is not obstructing the process. The Monitoring Team understands that it has no supervisory authority, and it will not instruct Fulton County personnel to do or not do a certain action.

Fulton County will grant the Monitoring Team unimpeded access to all parts of the election process. Fulton County will provide the Monitoring Team with a point of contact for all the subtopics listed above (which may be the same person or different people for different topics) who shall assist the Monitoring Team in achieving the needed access to conduct a thorough observation.

Such person shall also be available at reasonable times for questions from the Monitoring Team and will be responsive to those questions.


The fee for our proposed services is a total of $99,600 payable by Fulton County in four monthly installments of $24,900, beginning in August 2024 and ending in November 2024. Contracting and payment will be administered through the law firm of Gilbert, Harrell, Sumerford & Martin, P.C.

The cost reflects the substantial amount of time that the Monitoring Team will spend on these services. The cost will be used to compensate Monitoring Team members for their time and to defer expenses such as travel and parking. Team Member Monica Childers will not be accepting any compensation for her services.

Photo of author

Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

