Reuters Laughably Tries to Claim Biden is Now Deporting More People Than Trump Did

In an obvious effort to try to help Biden, the News service Reuters is claiming that Joe Biden is now deporting more people than Trump did.

You can see their report here.

No one believes this is true. Why does the media continue to try to gaslight the American people?

The Washington Examiner calls out Reuters:

Media ripped for falsely claiming Biden deported more than Trump

A former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief has condemned a wire service report this week that claimed President Joe Biden has recently deported more illegal immigrants than former President Donald Trump.

In fact, checking a Reuters report that was given top play on liberal media websites and the Drudge Report, former ICE chief of staff Jon Feere said the story mixed forced deportations with those “pushed back” at the border to make it look like the border blundering administration was taking forceful action.

“The Reuters article seems to be an attempt to help President Biden,” said Feere, now with the Center for Immigration Studies, an immigration think tank that opposes illegal immigration and promotes legal pathways to the U.S.

While the report portrayed Biden as the new deporter-in-chief, the immigration expert said in his report that the numbers are not typically added in deportation reports.

You may recall that the media tried this ‘deporter in chief’ nonsense with Obama too.

From the Center for Immigration Studies:

Fact Check: Reuters Is Wrong — Biden Is Not Deporting More Illegal Aliens than Trump

To understand how Reuters makes the claim on Biden’s deportations, it’s necessary to understand the difference between a “removal” conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and a “return” conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Generally, when we talk about deportations, we’re talking about a removal — an arrest of an illegal alien processed by ICE and deported back to the alien’s home country. When we talk about returns, we’re generally talking about people apprehended near the border who are quickly pushed back — returned — to Mexico within a matter of hours. And these returns are often of the same people attempting to enter illegally multiple times.

Illegal immigration has become a top issue for voters in 2024. The media knows this and will do anything to provide cover for Biden.

The post Reuters Laughably Tries to Claim Biden is Now Deporting More People Than Trump Did appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
