SHOCKING: PayPal Faces Scrutiny for Alleged Links to Palestinian Terror – Senators Take Action …Update: The Same Platform that Banned The Gateway Pundit | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro

SHOCKING: PayPal Faces Scrutiny for Alleged Links to Palestinian Terror – Senators Take Action …Update: The Same Platform that Banned The Gateway Pundit

PayPal's corporate headquarters. Photo by Wolterke
PayPal’s corporate headquarters. Photo by Wolterke


The PayPal platform is facing accusations of processing payments for the far-left group Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ), which has come under criticism from Congress and watchdog groups for its connections to the terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) have pledged to launch investigations into PayPal, as the platform’s policy explicitly prohibits the use of its tools for “promoting hatred, violence, racism, or any other forms of discriminatory intolerance, or for the financial exploitation of a crime.”

Cruz stated to the Washington Examiner:

“PayPal should, clearly and immediately, sever ties with any group linked to Palestinian terrorism. Big tech companies are not exempt from American laws or the risk of tarnishing their reputation by aiding terrorism.”

Rubio also raised concerns about PayPal’s conduct:

“No individual or U.S. company should be funding Palestinian terrorist organizations that seek to harm innocent Israelis. I will call on the Department of the Treasury to scrutinize this arrangement.”

The decision by the Alliance for Global Justice to use PayPal for fundraising comes after Stripe, the Irish American payment processor that handled transactions worth $817 billion in 2022, is no longer listed on the charity’s website.

A coalition of 11 pro-Israel groups demanded that Stripe discontinue its association with AFGJ, citing a series of articles from the Washington Examiner detailing how it raised funds for Collectif Palestine Vaincra – a French member of the Samidoun terrorist coalition designated by Israel.

On the Alliance for Global Justice website, a number of publications can be found that praise leftist authoritarian regimes, such as Venezuela and Bolivia.

They also call for an end to U.S. sanctions against Nicaragua, a country led by Marxist dictator Daniel Ortega, who persecutes and arrests Catholic priests and members of the Catholic Church.

According to the Washington Examiner, PayPal and the Alliance for Global Justice have not taken a position on the matter and have not issued a response on the case.

Update: PayPal banned The Gateway Pundit in December 2021 without warning.  The company has banned several conservative outlets but continues to support a pro-terrorist org.

Without Warning The Gateway Pundit Is Banned from Paypal


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Fernando de Castro is a Brazilian conservative journalist and international correspondent for The Gateway Pundit since 2021.

You can email Fernando de Castro here, and read more of Fernando de Castro’s articles here.

