Majority: Harsh Jan. 6 Sentences a Cruel ‘Message’ from Biden to Critics | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Majority: Harsh Jan. 6 Sentences a Cruel ‘Message’ from Biden to Critics

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘If you oppose us, you’re going to jail for a long time’

Democrats and other leftists have applauded the astonishingly harsh sentences being handed out by Washington judges to those protesters who invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Some have been given decades in prison. Some are spending time in jail even though they weren’t in Washington that day. Others have been put behind bars for walking into the Capitol – even though in some cases security officers held the doors open for them.

Now a poll shows that those leftists, and activists, are out of line with the American public.

A report at the Washington Examiner explains that large groups of voters view the extraordinary sentences as “too harsh.”

“And despite the Washington-based news coverage portraying the 2021 protest of President Joe Biden’s election as an insurrection, more of America’s voters than not believe it was a ‘mostly peaceful protest that got out of control,’” the report explained.

In fact, that harsh treatment – sometimes defendants are arrested by SWAT teams pounding on residential doors – is seen by “a majority” as a campaign by Joe Biden and his “thugs” to scare anyone who may wish to oppose his liberal agenda, the report said.

The report explained Rasmussen Reports confirms that 49% of poll respondents say the events were “mostly peaceful” while 45% said it was an “insurrection.”

And 42% said the sentences are “too harsh” to the 29% who said they aren’t harsh enough.

Further, “Asked if they agreed with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that the sentences were ‘designed to send a loud and clear message from Joe Biden and his thugs … If you oppose us, you’re going to jail for a long time,’ 55% agreed and 36% did not,” the report said.

Greene has worked to publicize the awful jail conditions of many of the protesters, some of whom have spent years behind bars awaiting the resolution of their cases, which sometimes include offenses like trespassing.

The report noted, “Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Republicans ‘Strongly Agree’ with Greene’s quote about the harsh sentences for J6 rioters as a ‘message’ to Biden’s opponents, as do 29% of Democrats and 32% of unaffiliated voters.”

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