Wesley Hunt says black voters will make the difference for Trump- Washington Examiner

EXCLUSIVE —Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) is hoping just enough black voters will break away from the Democratic Party and boost former President Donald Trump to victory over President Joe Biden.

The Texas congressman is among several prominent black Republicans, including Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), who have spent months persuading disaffected black men voters to defect from the Democratic Party and vote for Trump. And Hunt is even counting on black women to help the GOP in November.


“One thing that I’ve discovered in our outreach and in doing in Congress and Cigars with Byron Donalds and traveling around, it’s not just black dudes, it’s black women too,” Hunt said in an interview with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday afternoon. “I’ve been shocked at how many people have approached me saying that look like ‘this ain’t working for me. And we need to get back to the way it was before the last four years.’ And so we will certainly continue that should the Trump team right deploy us.”

Black women are the Democratic Party’s most loyal voting bloc, often turning out at 90% and above for Democrats in presidential elections. But Hunt hopes that even a small percentage point decrease among black women is enough for Trump to win.

“It’s a strong possibility that that can happen,” said Hunt. “And also keep this in mind too: Two, three percentage points and 25% of black men. This makes that math even more of it just impossible for Democrats to overcome that number.”

Hunt will hopefully continue doing more outreach events to bring black men and black women voters into the fold.

“We got four months to continue to work to make sure that we get people, particularly black males, to the polls,” said Hunt. “President Trump gets 25% of the black male vote. It’s mathematically not even a conversation.”

Although Hunt may not have joined Trump’s ticket as his running mate, that role went to Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), he is willing and ready to serve Trump if asked.

Hunt stressed that the GOP is coming together in unity during the Republican National Convention, including doing whatever it takes to get Trump reelected.

“If President Trump asked me to do something in the administration, it’d be very hard to say no,” Hunt said. “So that’s up to him. I think they’re going to take the next four months to start filling up … the cabinet roles. My focus 100% is making sure he wins in November. That’s it, and then we could talk about the other stuff later.”

Other former presidential rivals to Trump, including Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), have been allegedly considered as joining a potential Trump Cabinet if he wins reelection, which Hunt finds unsurprising. Trump “has a deep bench,” he said.

“There are a lot of people that I think he’ll be able to fill his Cabinet seats with. Some of those probably were his opponents,” Hunt continued. “But again, it also goes to show you he wants the best people for the job in the right place for the right time. And I think there’s gonna be a lot of names available for that for those roles.”

In the meantime, Hunt awaits direction from the Trump-Vance campaign and said he’s willing to campaign wherever it needs him.


“I think everyone’s gonna take a break after the convention. They’re gonna come out with a plan. They’re gonna let us know. I haven’t heard from them yet,” said Hunt.

“We’ve been to Iowa eight times. We’ve been in New Mexico on his behalf,” he concluded. “We’ve been to Delaware on his behalf. We’ve been to Missouri on his behalf … so they’ve asked us to go to these places and we certainly obliged them and we will continue to stay in this fight with them.”
