Trump Was Right to Call Out Kemp and Raffensperger at His Rally on Their Shoddy Election Work – Here Is the Proof | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Trump Was Right to Call Out Kemp and Raffensperger at His Rally on Their Shoddy Election Work – Here Is the Proof

Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America.

President Trump speaks to thousands of supporters this past weekend in Atlanta, Georgia.

President Trump lit up Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for their slow, hesitant pace in cleaning up sketchy voter rolls during his rally this past weekend in Atanta.

Brad Raffensperger fought back telling President Trump Georgia has clean election rolls.

Well, this time, Trump has a little pal on his side for evidence to back up his claim – the Fractal team video of Georgia, 2020 – Who Won Georgia 2020?

This video takes the official Georgia ballot rolls and voter rolls and shows thousands of voters who voted, had their ballot counted, but were not on the voter rolls. Oops!

In addition, the Fractal team is deeply engaged in Georgia, having 11 of their largest counties donating property tax databases – thus we can show you – and of course Brad – just how screwed up their voter rolls are. We are going to do that below.

It gets better.

Our team is working with some investigators in the state.

One is a retired Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) agent who called us a week ago to report the GBI was told NOT to investigate any voter fraud stuff. They were told to slow walk election fraud claims and he has the goods from his pals over there.

That is a sure sign Kemp and Raffs are tossing the fight so Trump loses. Are you surprised?

There is no question the Georgia voter rolls are sketchy as hell.

The Fractal team is showing some of it here on Substack – enough to make the point – but the system we are building to stop it in 2024 is far beyond anything the Georgia government has.

Just this week, our Fractal quantum tech was reviewed – they call it due diligence – by the top artificial intelligence resource, and advanced tech wizard for one of the planet’s largest hedge funds. The technology not only passed with flying colors – they want to engage us in some of their biggest investments.

Welcome to quantum computing.

These are the billionaire boys – and when we show them quantum technology – and their tech guys get to see it in action – they get what we are saying.

Presenting advanced technology to really smart, successful people is qualitatively different from showing it to some middle-aged woman running a voter integrity organization who doesn’t know the difference between COBOL and Javascript.

Trump and Raffs have been fighting it out in a room with the lights off for almost 4 years – and Trump couldn’t provide evidence because he had limited technology at his disposal.

Look, the RNC and every Secretary of State in America allegedly uses 1980s relational technology – over 40 years old.

Relational tech is like the X-ray – you can use it to find obvious stuff like a broken leg, but it is blind to organ issues or joint and ligament problems. Medical pros invented the MRI and the CAT Scan to solve these – to show disease or problems invisible to X-rays.

Fractal is a quantum tech – and we see problems in voter rolls invisible to even our pal Brad. Fractal is the MRI and CAT Scan for data.

Let’s do an example.

Did you know that over 30,000 Georgia voters have multiple voter IDs? Bet you didn’t, and Raffensperger isn’t going to tell you about it. These are issued by the state! That’s like having multiple Social Security Numbers.

Let’s read that back.

Going into 2024, the most consequential election in history, a key swing state has over 30,000 voters with multiple voter IDs. We did not say DUPLICATE. We said MULTIPLE. Some voters have 3, some 4, some 5 and thousands 2!

Did you know that Georgia voters have birthdates earlier than Abraham Lincoln and they were recently registered:

People 224 years old – registered in 2020.

Did you know that in 2020, thousands of people voted – and they were not on the voter roll? They cast ballots – we show it in the official ballot file.

We have the voter roll for the same time and they ain’t on it!

Hey Raffensperger, how do you like them apples?

Don’t believe me – let me show you the VIDEO

So Brad, how can people in your state vote if they aren’t on the voter roll?

Did you know hundreds of people in GA voted from an address with no bedrooms?

It was tens of thousands – you have to watch the entire video to see it all. But here is a snippet of people voting from RV Parks, hotels and other transient locales – in droves – they aggregate into over ten thousand – here is one park. RV Parks in GA 2020

Trump is a hotel guy. He knows properties. He builds stuff. He negotiates and he makes things happen in his domain.

We don’t know squat about hotels – except we like expensive ones – but we know technology big time.

Remember, we are the guys who built the eBay fraud engine when nobody, and I mean nobody could stop on line auction fraud. Our guys built the TSA No-Fly List to stop people screwing with their Arabic and East African names to avoid detection. Over 70% of the auto fraud industry ran our stuff to stop auto fraud rings.

When Sheriff Clarke brought us in to do voter rolls – we were stunned. They are a total joke. Now we run the voter rolls for 26 states – we run the largest election database ever built – over 3 billion records!

Wait a minute – how can there be 3 billion records if there are only about 165 million voters?

We are also the guys who invented time series analysis for election data. That means for Pennsylvania we don’t have ONE copy of the voter roll, we have 77 copies – each on a different date.

Each voter roll has over 10 million voters – thus we are running over 770 million records for PA. We see movement in the data over time – which cannot be done economically with current relational tech.

That’s why we see stuff the Secretary of State cannot see.

We have better technology than the government – that’s why we are valued at over a billion dollars – with only 51 employees. It’s called disruption and the big tech guys get it. Voter integrity types – not so much.

When illegal aliens are being aggregated at an address, we see it instantly. Here’s s quick video of how we did it in Nevada. Video.

As we have been publishing for months, the Trump Campaign does not get that there are 500,000 ballots, in each swing state, 1.4 million in Pennsylvania, already arrayed to vote against him.

We can say that with some authority since Fractal quantum tech actually sees these right now – and we publish videos showing them.

Let me say that again: The teams using Fractal in the 7 swing states, can, today, show you the 500,000 or more locations that house over 67% of the fraudulent ballots – created by NGO ballot mills – and our teams can stop most of them from getting a mail-in ballot – in 2024 – to vote against Trump.

If those voters then choose to go to the polls – great – because they do not exist!

Unfortunately the Trump Campaign and their RNC brethren invested in hiring 100,000 poll watchers to make sure these 500,000 ballots – each from an illegitimate address – are properly counted.

Don’t blame us, we tried to warn them.

The good news is the hedge fund guys know what we showed them is true. They tested our technology and they are taking it into their portfolio.

Trump is going to get smoked in every swing state but maybe Nevada. There is no way he can win by 500,000 votes – and he starts with that deficit.

Not wanting that asset tax, our hedge guys appear to want us to fix this disaster – with no help from the Campaign or the RNC – and we are working to get that done.

Just this week, it becomes illegal to take someone off the voter roll.

That’s great for us – because that’s not what we do. We stop mail-in ballots from going to the guy at the Walmart, the 60 people at the RV Park for 20 years, the guys at the hotel for a decade, the students at the university for 15 years.

It’s going to be close, but we did it before in the Senator Ron Johnson election, our teams may pull it off again.

Governor Kemp and Raffesnperger appear to be doing what they can to hurt Trump in Georgia

We and seven swing state election teams have better technology than the government – and we can even those odds.

This is the hill to die on – or to make them die on.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection engine and the TSA No-Fly List. Jay and his team run the most sophisticated election fraud system ever built and they and their partners are showing up, in the 2024 election, with quantum technology.


