Steve Moore Says Kamala Caused the Crash after Investors Analyzed Her Dangerous Economic Policies (VIDEO)

Trump’s deregulation saved American families $11,000 – Biden’s re-regulation cost families $47,000

In a fiery discussion on Fox News, economist Stephen Moore delivered a scathing critique of Kamala Harris, labeling her as “the most anti-business presidential candidate in our lifetime” and saying she will destroy the working class.

Speaking with Sean Hannity, Moore emphasized that Harris’s policies pose a grave threat to the American economy.

His comments come in the aftermath of the ‘Kamala Crash’ earlier in the day, which saw the Dow Jones plunge over a thousand points amid fears of a Biden-induced recession.

Mortgage payments have doubled under Joe Biden and Bidenomics.

Conservative economist Stephen Moore didn’t hold back in his criticism of Kamala Harris during a recent appearance on “Hannity.”

Moore emphasized Harris’s support for policies that he believes would devastate the U.S. economy, citing proposals like doubling the capital gains tax and taxing unrealized capital gains.

Moore went on to highlight Harris’s opposition to modern oil and gas drilling, particularly fracking.

Moore pointed out that the recent surge in Harris’s poll numbers is largely due to the media’s favorable coverage of her, comparing it to a honeymoon period. He expressed concern that investors, both domestic and international, might panic at the prospect of her winning the presidency.

Below is an excerpt of the interview via Hannity:

Stephen Moore: Sean, first of all, that was a maestro performance, your summary of Biden and Kamala Harris and what they’ve done to our economy. You and I have been in this game a long time, but if you look at the major presidential candidates over the last 30 or 40 years, and that includes people like, remember, Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

I have to say that I think Kamala Harris is the most anti-business presidential candidate in your and my lifetime. I mean, this woman has endorsed one policy after another that would be absolutely ruinous to our economy. As you mentioned, doubling the capital gains tax, taxing unrealized capital gains.

The one thing you left out, Sean, is don’t forget, she is on record as being against modern oil and gas drilling. She calls fracking. Seventy-five % of our energy day today comes from fracking and horizontal drilling. I don’t even think this lady even knows what fracking is.

But this is a dangerous situation. I think that Donald Trump said it very well that this is the Kamala Crash. My hypothesis here, Sean, is that, let’s face it, over the last two weeks, Kamala Harris has had the most amazing honeymoon period from the media. You’d think she were Mother Teresa, and all of a sudden, her poll numbers go up.

I think a lot of investors around the country and around the world said, Holy cow, this woman can actually be elected President. I think that caused a complete panic. Now, I don’t think she will be reelected. I don’t think she’s going to win this election. But if she did, I think it would be absolutely catastrophic for our economy and our stock market.

Sean Hannity: Steve, let me put a highlight on that. You think what President Trump said, the Kamala Crash, has a lot to do with fear of the markets that she may be in this race? Please explain.

Stephen Moore: Well, her poll numbers have gone up because of this media treatment of her as if she’s some kind of saint. I think investors were looking at that and just saying, if those policies she’s talking about were implemented, they would be so destructive.

The other one you didn’t mention, Sean, or at least you talked briefly about it, is she’s in favor of basically having the government take over the entire healthcare system. Remember at least Barack Obama. Remember when Barack Obama said, If you like your healthcare, you can keep it? Well, under the Kamala plan, even if you like your healthcare, you can’t keep it, you’re going into the government system system.

Look, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are fiscal pyromaniacs. They have led our country to the brink of bankruptcy with this massive spending. I would submit to you, Sean, that every single one of those problems that you identified in your monolog all circle back to the massive spending spree, the massive unprecedented debt. I think right now, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Via Midnight Rider.

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