Globalist Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future Release New Report Calling to Strengthen “Global Governance” and Give the UN Capacity to Pass “Binding Legislation”

The Club for Growth and the Council for the Human Future released a report in July 2024.

Guest Post by Miriam Judith

The Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future published a report on a roundtable discussion on the human future on August 1, 2024.

The Club of Rome defines itself as a nonprofit, informal organization of intellectuals and business leaders founded in 1968 whose goal is a critical discussion of pressing global issues. The organization consists of 100 full members selected from current and former heads of state and government.

The fact that the group focuses on global warming tells you something about the intellectual capacity and integrity of its membership.

Here is a list of the participating organizations who participated in the discussion.

The report consists of the typical ‘progressive’ alarmism of an existential crisis taking place as a result of human existence that they report has contributed to issues like climate change as well as inequality and inequity.

From the report:

“Humanity is facing its greatest emergency, a crisis consisting of many, interlinked, catastrophic risks.

The crisis is already here, and will get worse. Its combined scale and impact are so great that few grasp it. Together, these risks endanger our ability to maintain a civilization, possibly even to survive as a species. Global solutions are now urgent. To act later will be too late.”

Their stated plans paint a chilling picture. Under the guise of catastrophe, the globalist shadow groups are calling for ‘global solutions’ and are calling on world leaders to bend the knee to their will, giving them total control.

Naturally, the list of so-called ‘global problems’ includes the usual: climate change, food insecurity, misinformation, gender equality, etc… Its a cesspool of progressive buzzwords designed to illicit fear-based reactions from anyone dumb enough to still be buying this crap.

The report continues:

• “Global risks call for global solutions.

• There is currently no World Plan of Action for dealing with all these risks, or even agreement to form one.

• There is a universal failure of leadership and governance to address the global problems we face. The current system of international cooperation is clearly not fit to meet the unprecedented challenges humanity confronts. Stronger international governance is becoming essential.

• This “polycrisis” is an interconnected web of challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss, global poisoning, food insecurity, resource depletion, retreat from democracy, nuclear proliferation, spread of war, uncontrolled use of AI, misinformation, economic social and gender inequality, rising inequity, failing healthcare systems and geopolitical instability. These spell greater insecurity for all.”

Of course, the only solution that these unelected globalists present is one that grants them authority to infiltrate the UN through additional governing bodies within the organization in order to control the policies of sovereign nations.

The report makes things crystal clear, they want a complete restructuring of governments worldwide to fit their tyrannical agenda. They even mention the creation of a “Earth System Council” that can pass “binding legislation”

This is straight out of 1984…

From the report section titled ‘Governance’:

• “Reconstruct the architecture of our governance systems worldwide.

• Strengthen global governance by creating a People’s Assembly within the United Nations, and create new ways to fund the UN.

• Create an Earth System Council, giving the UN system the capacity to pass binding legislation to protect our planetary environment, as part of the recognition of the Common Heritage of Humankind.

• Develop an Earth System Treaty, under the UN, which legally commits all signatories to work together to prevent the ten major threats. All nations and all Earth citizens must be free to sign, and pledge themselves to a safer future.

• Ensure the responsible and smooth transition of governance to coming generations.

• Reform the Bretton Woods (world monetary) institutions.”

It is clear that the proposals are nothing more than a power grab, aimed at diminishing national sovereignty and imposing overreaching regulations that benefit global elites at the expense of national autonomy. As these globalist agendas advance, it is imperative to remain vigilant against efforts to undermine national independence.

Here is a copy of the full report that was published in July.


The post Globalist Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future Release New Report Calling to Strengthen “Global Governance” and Give the UN Capacity to Pass “Binding Legislation” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
