“Does Not Correspond to Reality:” Russia Challenges Washington’s Narrative About US, NATO Involvement in Kursk Ambush Following NordStream2 Revelations

Ukrainian forces, backed by US and Western arms, launched an attack this week in the Kursk region of Russia – Sky News map

Guest Post by Miriam Judith

Over a week has passed since Ukrainian forces executed a surprise attack on Kursk that brought the war onto Russian soil, marking a dramatic shift in the conflict’s dynamics.

In the aggressive move, Ukrainian troops have managed to infiltrate Russian territory and carry out an offensive that has not only intensified the war but has also prompted questions regarding external influences instigating or causing this escalation.

Putin aide, Nikolai Patrushev, told Izvestia in an interview, that Ukraine would not have been emboldened to infiltrate Russian territory without the direct support and assistance of the U.S.

“The US leadership’s claims of non-involvement in Kyiv’s actions in Kursk Region do not correspond to reality… Without their participation and direct support, Kyiv would not have ventured into Russian territory,” he explained.

From Izvestia:

“It was the West that put the criminal junta at the head of Ukraine, NATO countries pumped Kiev with weapons , military instructors, constantly supply intelligence and control the actions of neo-Nazis. The operation in the Kursk region was also planned with the participation of NATO and Western intelligence services. This criminal action was caused by a premonition of the approaching inevitable collapse of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime .

Statements by the US leadership about non-involvement in Kyiv’s crimes in the Kursk region do not correspond to reality. The States regularly say one thing and do another. Without their participation and direct support, Kyiv would not risk entering Russian territory.”

According to Russia Today, Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to Washington, has also accused the United States of assisting Ukraine in their offensive, suggesting partial U.S. responsibility for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Reports have indicated that the CIA may have been heavily involved, supporting Moscow’s claims. At the very least, the three-letter Deep State agency reportedly green-lit the sabotage operation.

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Antonov argues that the Biden Regime seeks to deflect responsibility by attributing the attack solely to Ukraine, which he describes as a mere "puppet" in this geopolitical relationship.

"The United States is attempting to shift all responsibility to their Ukrainian puppets," Antonov asserted. "We will seek to identify the real perpetrators of the bombing and ensure they are held accountable."

The statements regarding U.S. involvement in the attacks reflect a broader frustration within the Russian government over what it perceives as a misleading narrative propagated by Western nations. According to Russian officials, this narrative serves to obscure the true nature of the conflict and the roles played by various actors, including the U.S.

The ramifications of these accusations are significant, affecting both diplomatic relations and public perception and for Russia, the claim of U.S. involvement may serve as a justification for a military response against Ukraine’s western allies.

The post “Does Not Correspond to Reality:” Russia Challenges Washington’s Narrative About US, NATO Involvement in Kursk Ambush Following NordStream2 Revelations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
