Radical Far-Left Violence an Imminent Threat in Chicago – Activist Group Calls to ‘Shut Down the DNC for Gaza” and Promises to “Make 2024 as Great as 1968!” | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Radical Far-Left Violence an Imminent Threat in Chicago – Activist Group Calls to ‘Shut Down the DNC for Gaza” and Promises to “Make 2024 as Great as 1968!”

Guest post by Paul Dabrik

There are reports that the far-left Antifa army is ready to strike in Chicago this week.

The Democrat National Convention has come to Chicago and the scent of nostalgia permeates the air. References to the 1968 convention have spread like wildfire throughout myriad news outlets across the internet in recent weeks. Chicago is sure to become a hotbed of chaos and protest. As WGN in Chicago reports, 100K Pro-Palestenian protesters are expected to be in Chicago for the Democrat National Convention.

The recent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 draw parallels to the heightened political tensions of both 1968 and 2024. Ironically, the Democrats find themselves in a similar political quandary as they will nominate a candidate that the people have not chosen just as they did after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy following his California primary victory in 1968.

As was the case in 1968, the country seems to be growing weary of the war-industrial complex. A recent poll from The Chicago Council on Global Affairs shows a majority of Americans oppose using U.S. troops to defend Israel. Another poll from CNN in August 2023 showed a majority of Americans oppose U.S. aid to Ukraine. Seemingly, the Democrats have supplanted the Neocons as the war party after Donald Trump labeled himself the peace negotiator-in-chief. This will be a delicate political landscape to navigate as the radical left of their party is dogmatically supportive of Palestine and an anti-war footing.

As in 1968, a radicalized anti-war element is poised for political fervor that will likely bring violence and destruction to the city of Chicago this week. Chicago, a Democrat stronghold since the first Mayor Richard Daley of the 1960s, (the city has not had a Republican mayor since 1931) has long been considered one of the most politically corrupt cities in the country. The radicalism of the left is no stranger to the city of Chicago. Operating as a sanctuary city, Chicago’s open-door policy to the illegal immigration population has brought chaos that has led to a 2024 tax increase of over $1B.

As 100K pro-Palestinian protesters descend on the City of Chicago, there is sure to be radicalized elements of the left on the prowl. Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines is no stranger to these left-wing radicals. Newsome, in partnership with the Gateway Pundit and Ben Bergquam, has been exposing the migrant crisis, including the collusion of Catholic Charities and an Obama Foundation affiliate to support the process. Starting out as a parental rights activist, Newsome has found himself in the crosshairs of Antifa-associated activists who have exposed his activism on X in an attempt to jeopardize his career. In parallel, Newsome found himself on a no-fly list needing the assistance of Congressmen Matt Gaetz and Troy Nehls to pressure Attorney General Garland’s office for answers on the “list.”

In 2024, a radical left activist group out of Chicago calling themselves Behind Enemy Lines – surely just a coincidence – is openly calling to “shut down the DNC for Gaza” on the home page of their website. In a post titled “Make 2024 as Great as 1968!” they ask the following:

But have you thrown down against the Chicago Police yet?

This type of rhetoric appears as an echo from a bygone era of radical leftist activism in Chicago. Many will remember the likes of the anarchist terrorist groups the Weathermen and The Weather Underground of the late 1960s and 1970s. Bill Ayers, a former University of Illinois at Chicago professor, avowed communist, and leader of the aforementioned groups, has a cult following on the radical left. Perhaps the most famous radical left activist of the 20th century, Ayers’s influence is clearly still alive and well in blue Chicago with a group like the leftist “Behind Enemy Lines.” It’s also relevant to note that Obama officials and policy fingerprints are all over the current Biden administration. As an article from The Hill shows, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers were closely associated during Obama’s time in Chicago. It would follow that a Democrat party moving further to the left would be featuring an unelected candidate in Kamala Harris, who is now pitching Communist-style price controls for the food industry.

While many in the Democrat party have now shown support for Palestine in direct opposition to Israel, a main ally of the United States, their domestic tactics do not mirror their international virtue signaling. Many will recall the below montage of Democrat politicians and pundits from 2020 calling for violence in the streets during the George Floyd protests. That violent summer brought Antifa, a far left-wing violent activist group, into the spotlight. In true Saul Alinsky style, Antifa is a subversive group. As Gateway Pundit reported in June of 2023 there was significant evidence that Antifa operatives were acting as fake Trump protesters and agent provocateurs on January 6th.

Interestingly, one of the more notable left wing anarchists from Chicago in the last 20 years was released from prison in 2020. Jeremy Hammond, as detailed in a Rolling Stone article, is a far left acolyte of Bill Ayers, and convicted felon for his role in hacking a defense contractor. He can be found on X with his brother Jason openly describing themselves as anarchists. They appear to be recently active reposting about the FBI harassing a Palestinian woman planning to protest at the DNC.

A confidential source in law enforcement has claimed that the Hammond brothers are allegedly advising, counseling, and providing logistical information to the militant group “Behind Enemy Lines” and other radical anarchist organizations that have gathered in Chicago for the DNC convention.

With the Democrat party’s shift to the far left and the anti-war sentiment of far leftist groups, the Democrat National Convention is sure to be a powder keg of protesting and violence. Politically, the Democrats will have to find a way to balance their support for the war machine with the increasingly radical faction of their party calling for support of Palestine. It will be interesting to see if they can control the narrative. If 1968 is to be an analogous setting for this convention, the future looks grim for the Democrats.



