The Gateway Pundit Called It Over a Year Ago! Weak Republicans Were Never Going to Impeach Joe Biden – On Monday House Republicans Finally Release Report Detailing Old Joe’s Impeachable Offenses and It’s Too Late to Do Anything About It | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit Called It Over a Year Ago! Weak Republicans Were Never Going to Impeach Joe Biden – On Monday House Republicans Finally Release Report Detailing Old Joe’s Impeachable Offenses and It’s Too Late to Do Anything About It

Republicans always had plenty of evidence to hold Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family accountable. They just didn’t have the guts to do anything about it.

In July 2023, The Gateway Pundit called out Republican lawmakers for being too weak and afraid to impeach Joe Biden before he leaves office despite the release of a 14-year timeline of the Biden Crime Family’s influence peddling and selling out America to foreign regimes including Communist China.

Back on July 23, 2023 The Gateway Pundit reported:

The Oversight Committee is likely just scratching the surface of the criminal actions by Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and the extended Biden family.

The Biden family was selling out America to Ukraine, Romania, and Communist China.

There is plenty of proof.

On Wednesday IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler confirmed in sworn testimony to Congress that the Biden Family received approximately $17 million in bribes from China, Romania, and other countries in exchange for political favors.

BIDEN CRIME FAMILY CAUGHT! – IRS Whistleblower – Gay, Democrat, Joseph Ziegler – Confirms that Biden Family Received Approximately $17 Million in Payments from China, Romania and Other Countries (VIDEO)

On Thursday Senator Chuck Grassley released the FBI document showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky.

The FD-1023 form alleged then-Vice President Joe Biden FORCED Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch, to pay himself and his son Hunter Biden a total of $10 million in exchange for political favor.

On Friday Rudy Giuliani told The War Room audience the evidence collected against the Biden Crime Family is "the strongest case I've ever seen" and greater than the evidence his team had in New York in the 1980s to take down the mafia's Five Families.


So what now? What will Republicans do next? How will this end?

Democrats are moving to jail President Trump on illegitimate charges in garbage court cases.

Where are the Republicans?

We all know the answer to this.

Before Joe Biden is impeached he will have a slip, a fall, or a medical emergency.  His administration will tearfully announce Joe is stepping down from office.

Democrats and their lapdog media will then insist the Biden Crime Story is "yesterday's news" and "has already been prosecuted." The American public will be lectured on what a great leader Joe Biden was and how he should be forever honored in our memories and the history books.

Republican leadership and Uniparty members will breathe a sigh of relief that they will not be forced to go through impeachment proceedings. They will tell us, "This is not who we are."

We wrote that at The Gateway Pundit more than a year ago.

Since then, Republicans have pretended to hold the Biden Crime Family accountable. And since we first made the prediction that Joe Biden would leave office before he was held accountable, Joe Biden had a medical emergency and was forced from his reelection race in a silent coup.

Republicans never did have enough strength and honesty to impeach Joe Biden.

On Monday, House Republicans from the Congressional Oversight Committee published a report on Joe Biden.

House Republicans released a strongly worded report stating that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses while in office. Ya think?

The family is filthy rich thanks to all of their illegal dealings with foreign regimes!

According to the Oversight Committee:


Today, we are releasing our report on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, finding he committed impeachable offenses.

The evidence produced by our impeachment inquiry is the strongest case for impeachment of a sitting president the House of Representatives has ever investigated.

Americans now know Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ the Bidens sold around the world to enrich the Biden family, and Joe Biden knew of, benefitted from, and participated in his family’s influence peddling schemes.

Our report details evidence to establish President Biden abused his office and violated his oaths of office as Vice President by engaging in a conspiracy to peddle influence to enrich his family. Then as President, Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris Administration obstructed the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry and the criminal investigation of President Biden’s son."

This came out 75 days from the election. Evidently, Republicans feel it is safe enough to release their weak-ass report now.

Meanwhile, a rogue judge in New York is going to jail President Donald Trump next month on bogus misdemeanor charges he converted to felony charges that were brought against Trump after the statute of limitations already expired.

The Gateway Pundit knew Republicans were never going to impeach Joe Biden. We called it a year ago.

There's a reason we have a two-tiered justice system in America today because Republicans allow it.

You can read the full report below:

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.

