Pence group calls DNC platform ‘massive gift to conservatives’ – Washington Examiner

The conservative values advocacy group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence called the 91-page Democratic National Convention platform on Tuesday a “massive gift” to conservatives eager to highlight just how far left Vice President Kamala Harris and her side have jumped.

In a one-page takedown of the platform, Pence’s Advancing American Freedom said the document shows the Democrats are obsessed with oddball policies that cater to special interests and will bankrupt America if enacted.

“The DNC Platform is a vision for the American Left that will cripple our economy, increase the national debt, and weaken America at home and abroad. Conservative Republican principles, by contrast, will not only win elections but will restore America to prosperity and freedom,” Pence told Secrets.

“Republicans must be clear-eyed about the job before us. Republican leaders and candidates must articulate principled solutions to the problems the American people face today and expose the progressive wish list of the far Left for what it is — a recipe for American decline. Advancing American Freedom is determined to do both,” the Republican leader said.

“This policy platform would impoverish our nation and drain the bank accounts of working families across the country,” AAF President Tim Chapman said.

Unlike the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, wrongly criticized by Democrats as former President Donald Trump’s first 100-day plan, the DNC platform represents the policy agenda for Harris and President Joe Biden, whose candidacy ended in a party coup after he won the primaries.

Chapman’s memo called the platform a written gift to conservatives looking to hang liberal policies on Democratic opponents.

“The Harris-DNC policy platform is a massive gift to conservatives across the country. The platform doubles down on the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration while going further than ever in plunging our economy into Soviet-style communism. Whether it be price controls, high tariffs, massive federal spending or sweetheart carve outs for favored companies one thing is for sure: this policy platform would impoverish our nation and drain the bank accounts of working families across the country,” the memo said.

In his memo to grassroots supporters provided to Secrets, Chapman calls on Republicans to help amplify the points in the Democratic platform that are sure to anger Middle America.

“If candidates can focus on the policy that the Left is telling us they will implement, we can achieve a massive rebuke of this misguided effort,” Chapman wrote.

He added that the answer isn’t to outbid Democrats but to show how wrong they are.

“We cannot outbid their efforts to spend taxpayer dollars,” he said. “We must clearly contrast our conservative principles with the Left’s liberal, dystopian policies. If we stick to principles, we will win the important debates before our country in 2024.”


Pence, a former Indiana governor and congressman, ran in the GOP presidential primaries but, like all challengers to Trump, didn’t gain enough steam to catch up to his former boss.

The focus of his group is broad, highlighting social issues, foreign policy, and economics.
