Hypocrite Alert: Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar Praises Kamala Harris as ‘Tough on the Border’ at DNC, Yet Demanded Biden and Harris Fix Border Crisis in Resurfaced 2022 Video | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Hypocrite Alert: Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar Praises Kamala Harris as ‘Tough on the Border’ at DNC, Yet Demanded Biden and Harris Fix Border Crisis in Resurfaced 2022 Video

Democrat Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar took the stage at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Wednesday, delivering a speech that seemed more fantasy than reality.

Salazar not only attacked former President Trump, blaming him for Texas’s immigration crisis, but also heaped praise on Kamala Harris, hailing her as “tough on the border.”

“When Donald Trump comes down to Texas and stands next to officers in uniforms just like mine, he’s not there to help us. Don’t think that—not for a second. He is a self-serving man. I mean, look, just like when he killed the border bill, he just made our jobs harder.”

“Now, Kamala, on the other hand, has been fighting border crime for years. She’s gone down to Mexico and worked to stop the traffickers. When the traffickers didn’t stop, she put them in jail.”

“Now, down in my neck of the woods, we call that fooling around and finding out. I may be paraphrasing a bit. We protect them. Now, the border sheriffs that I know and I, we’re like Kamala. We protect and serve. We enforce the law, we show compassion, and we fight like hell to protect our border. Because as we’ve always known in Texas: When we fight, we win.”


What a liar!

According to Trump’s campaign:

Kamala Harris just released an ad on the border. You read that right. Border Czar Kamala Harris – who has the weakest record on border security in American history – wants to talk about the border.

So let’s talk about it.

Because of President Donald Trump’s successful policies, our border was secure and we had the lowest levels of illegal border crossings in a generation. Enter Kamala Harris. In her words, “the [Harris-Biden] administration’s immigration policies largely involve undoing the previous one’s work.”

So what was the result of the Harris-Biden administration undoing President Trump’s policies? Under Kamala Harris:

  • 9.9 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border.
  • Roughly 31 tons of fentanyl have crossed the southern border, enough to kill roughly 14.1 billion people. Experts say only 5 to 10 percent of the drugs crossing the border are being intercepted.
  • Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans age 18 to 45. There were 112,000 fatal drug overdoses in 2023, a new record high.

“Border Czar” Harris has only visited the border once as vice president – traveling to a politically-friendly district rather than the epicenter of the crisis – and that was years ago. President Trump went to witness the crisis firsthand just a few months ago, and has been numerous times during his administration and after.

And of course, Kamala’s ad was full of lies – starting with her absurd insistence that she supports security measures like increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. As reported by Fox News’s Bill Melugin, in 2018, Kamala Harris signed a letter that urged the Senate to “reject President Trump’s FY 19 funding request for a costly and ineffective border wall, new Border Patrol agents, and a large increase in U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel and detention beds.”

What’s worse, Harris supports policies that would make the Harris-Biden border invasion even worse. As pointed out by the Team Trump Rapid Response Team, which has all the receipts:

  • Kamala supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings.
  • Kamala said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals.”
  • Kamala backed free, taxpayer-funded health benefits for illegal aliens.
  • Kamala compared ICE agents to the KKK.
  • Kamala called for “starting [ICE] from scratch.”
  • Kamala expressed support for sanctuary cities.
  • Kamala argued temporarily closing the border violated federal law.

That’s her record, and a lie-filled ad won’t change that.

But Salazar’s attempt to rewrite history didn’t go unnoticed. A resurfaced video from 2022 has quickly made its rounds online, revealing a very different stance.

In an interview with MSNBC, Salazar pleaded for Biden and Kamala to address the border crisis directly, highlighting the devastating impact of their open-border policies.

“Well, right now, what I’m asking for is for the President or a member of his administration that can make decisions to come down and talk to not just me, but at least 12 other Texas sheriffs from major counties in the state of Texas that are dealing with this issue firsthand,” Salazar stated in 2022.

“So I’d like to see somebody from Washington come down here, get boots on the ground, get eyes on the issue at hand, and then talk to us, a bipartisan group of Texas sheriffs that are really taking a common-sense approach because we have to on this.”


He sent three letters to Biden asking to meet with him to address the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

“Mr. President, we need your help. With all due respect, the perception here, what I’ve seen in talking to other law enforcement leaders in my precious state of Texas, is the perception is that there’s been a complete absence from Washington, DC. Now, I know that you’ve got a whole world to protect and serve. However, here down in Texas, we need your help. We need you here to talk to us and see if we can be part of the solution,” Salazar said.

Salazar is the same county sheriff who opened a criminal investigation into Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ operation sending illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard back in September 2022.

The Biden Regime has been flying and busing illegals all over the US in the dead of the night during a pandemic.

More than 50 illegals were found dead in a trailer in San Antonio because of Joe Biden’s open border policies, but the real crime is DeSantis sending a few dozen aliens to a sanctuary city that proudly declared they welcome all migrants.

When DeSantis flies 50 illegals to a liberal haven, all hell breaks loose and it’s a criminal matter.

Salazar said the illegals were ‘lured’ to Martha’s Vineyard ‘under false pretenses,’ and recommended criminal charges to the Bexar County District Attorney. Sheriff Salazar recommended felony and misdemeanor charges of unlawful restraint over the migrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard, according to the Miami Herald.

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

