WAYNE ROOT: “No Tax on Social Security” is How President Trump Wins the Senior Vote…”No Tax on Overtime” is How Trump Wins the Workers of America…and Here is How Trump Wins the Youth Vote. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

WAYNE ROOT: “No Tax on Social Security” is How President Trump Wins the Senior Vote…”No Tax on Overtime” is How Trump Wins the Workers of America…and Here is How Trump Wins the Youth Vote.

By Wayne Allyn Root

This commentary will be short and simple.

Winning presidential elections is about addition, not subtraction. President Trump needs to build a winning coalition, so this election is “too big to rig.” He has MAGA. Now he needs record numbers of other voters.

Yesterday I laid out my recommendation for some creative ideas to add millions of new voters to the Trump Coalition…

President Trump already has “no tax on tips” and my idea for “no tax on Social Security for seniors.” Those two ideas give Trump a huge edge with 10+ million service employees and 60+ million seniors. I recommended making them RETROACTIVE- so the tax savings, or refund gets into the hands of taxpayers (who are stressed and strapped for cash because of Biden-Kamala Harris inflation) as soon as possible.

Then I recommended a new idea- perhaps my favorite of all-time: “No tax on OT (Overtime).” This benefits over 130 million American workers. The bonus is this idea puts America back to work again. It supercharges the economy, productivity and prosperity.

I also recommended to President Trump the idea of a “Military Veteran tax credit” rewarding all 16 million US military vets with a $2,000 annual tax credit as a thank you for serving their country. This would look exactly like the current child tax credit given to parents.

Now I’m going to add one more group to the Trump Coalition- college students and young adults still paying off student loan debt.

This group consists of 43.2 million Americans. The Biden-Kamala Harris administration keeps trying to bribe this large voting group by erasing their student loan debt with the stroke of a pen. How ridiculous, reckless and dangerous.

And courts rightfully keep blocking this crazy idea.

How insulting and offensive to all of those who already paid off their student debt. How insulting and offensive to all of those who never went to college- to ask them to pay the debt of people who willingly made that choice, and willingly entered into their student loan contract. How insulting and offensive to any American who has ever signed any contract and honorably paid it off. What’s next- government erasing credit card debt? Mortgage debt? Auto debt?

So how can President Trump compete for the votes of young adults without resorting to outright thievery and bribery? I have the solution!

President Trump should announce when he returns to the White House the government will offer INTEREST FREE student loans.

This is the fair way to encourage Americans to get educated, and at the same time give them a great deal, and reduce their burden when paying it back. There’s no “free ride.” No one is breaking a contract. Every student that signs for student loans must repay it- no excuses.

But they only have to pay back principal, not interest. This doesn’t cost the government, or taxpayers a penny. Once the principal is paid back, everyone is whole. The students will be happy. The taxpayers will be happy. Everyone wins and nobody loses. And it’s such a great deal- it will encourage every young American to take advantage and get educated. We all win.

And of course, President Trump wins!

Like the tax cut plans above, it should also be RETROACTIVE. These are government loans. The government can do anything it wants. No student loan debt will ever be erased again. But all outstanding loans will be converted to principal only- with all interest dropped from the contract. Again, as long as the principal is paid back, the government is made whole. There are no loses for government, or taxpayers. And there are no “free rides.”

And my idea makes it far more likely all these loans by 42+ million Americans will be paid back in full, and on time.

Here’s the best part of all…

Trump’s winning coalition is now 10+ million service employees…60+ million seniors…130+ million workers…16+ million military vets…and 42+ million young adults with student loan debt. Let’s see Kamala beat that winning hand!

As we say in Las Vegas: That’s a FULL HOUSE!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

