Forget the Truth: James Carville Urges Fact-Checkers to Ditch “Impartial” Reporting to Help Democrats | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Forget the Truth: James Carville Urges Fact-Checkers to Ditch “Impartial” Reporting to Help Democrats

On Thursday, Democratic strategist James Carville indicated the truth is less important to him than beating Republicans.

Carville has already claimed “the entire Constitution is in peril” if Republicans regain power and has urged media outlets, during a June episode of his “Politics War Room” podcast, to increase “slanted” coverage of President Donald Trump to prevent his reelection and ‘save the Constitution.’

He said at the time, “Now you have Joe Kahn, the new editor or publisher, whatever he is at The New York Times, saying, ‘We’re just going to cover this down the middle. We’re going to cover what it is.’ I don’t think that’s the role of the news media at a time when the entire Constitution is in peril.”

Carville continued. “I don’t have anything against slanted coverage. I really don’t … I would have something against it at most other times in American history, but not right now. F**k your objectivity. The real objectivity in this country right now is we’re either going to have a Constitution, or we’re not.”

During his podcast on Thursday, Carville doubled down on a push for propaganda over truth.

Carville pushed for so-called “fact-checkers” to expand their work for the DNC beyond Trump and focus on Republicans in general.

During the podcast, Carville said, “So let’s take the fact-check industry and let me tell you something, and I defy anyone to disagree on this: by 5 to 1, they would rather fact-check a misleading Democratic claim ’cause Republicans have so many … They want to say, ‘We’re just umpires, man, we just call it like [we] see it, we don’t really have anything.’ And, of course, there are times when Democrats exaggerate.”

“My thing is, how would you fact-check World War II? … They’re treating this like it’s just a normal time where you got shirts and skins, and we just call ’em like we see ’em.”

“I think the whole industry has to decide: what is our role here? Is our role to be objective, impartial observers that report as accurately and fairly as we can, or is our role here to try to help save the Constitution of the United States?” he added.

“Because they’re two different things.”

Sounds like Carville might be guilty of what Canadian-born writer Jennifer Szalai called “Constitution worship” in her recent article in The New York Times.

The type of biased “fact-checking” Carville is pushing in an effort to control the narrative and shut down independent media outlets is chilling.

To fight this assault on the truth, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and several others in an antitrust lawsuit against legacy media.

The lawsuit reveals that by March 2020, a partnership was created called the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) between Big Tech and legacy media to exclude rival publishers from the dominant internet platforms. The partnership was launched by BBC Director-General Tony Hall, with the agreement that members of the TNI “work together to . . . ensure that disinformation myths are stopped in their tracks.”

Members of the TNI include legacy media outlets the BBC, The Washington Post, Reuters, and Associated Press, along with social media and tech giants—Twitter, Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Microsoft, Google/YouTube, and LinkedIn. TNI members collectively hold 90% of the overall social media market, 90% share of the social networking market, 75% of the video hosting market, and over 90% of the search-engine market.


