First Illegal Alien This Year Charged in Connection to Voting Fraud After Years of Voting in US Elections — This Is Just the Beginning as Tens of Thousands of Illegals Are Currently Registered to Vote in US | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

First Illegal Alien This Year Charged in Connection to Voting Fraud After Years of Voting in US Elections — This Is Just the Beginning as Tens of Thousands of Illegals Are Currently Registered to Vote in US

(Photo by John Moore/AFP via Getty Images)

The Northern District of Alabama US Attorney’s Office charged illegal immigrant Angelica Maria Francisco after she stole a US citizen’s identity and has voted in numerous elections since 2011.

Francisco has resided mostly in Russellville, Alabama since she came to the US.

Biden’s DOJ said Francisco has agreed to plead guilty to all of the charges.

According to the DOJ complaint:

An undocumented individual has been charged in connection with her fraudulent assumption of a United States citizen’s identity and her use of that identity to vote in multiple elections and obtain multiple United States passports, announced U.S. Attorney Prim F. Escalona and Resident Agent in Charge Joseph R. Wysowaty of the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Atlanta Resident Office.

A nine-count information filed in U.S. District Court charges Angelica Maria Francisco, 42, most recently of Russellville, with false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.

A plea agreement was filed with the information, indicating that Francisco has agreed to plead guilty to all of the charges.

According to the information and plea agreement, Francisco assumed the identity of a United States citizen in or around 2011.

Francisco used the false identity to obtain a United States passport in 2011.

She subsequently used the United States passport to travel to and from her native country of Guatemala in 2012, 2015, and 2018.  Using the same false identity, Francisco also registered to vote in Alabama in 2016 and voted in the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections.

And in 2021, Francisco used the same false identity to apply for and receive a renewed passport, which she used to travel to and from Guatemala in 2022.

The Court will set a date for Francisco to enter her guilty plea.

Of course, Francisco is just the tip of the iceberg. There are likely hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens registered to vote in America today.

In August, TGP reported that Alabama state officials have discovered over 3,000 illegal voters registered in the state’s voter rolls. This report comes following Secretary of State Wes Allen ordering the removal of all non-citizens from the election database.

During the officials’ review, the state found a whopping 3,251 individuals with ‘alien registration numbers’ who were registered to vote – despite it being a federal offense. The U.S. Constitution and federal laws unequivocally stipulate that only U.S. citizens are entitled to vote in federal elections.

Secretary Allen’s decisive action to remove these non-citizens from the voter rolls is a necessary step to rectify this situation. However, the discovery raises critical questions about how such a lapse occurred in the first place.

Illegal aliens are also being registered to vote in Georgia and North Carolina.

In 2014, The Gateway Pundit reported on hundreds of illegals voting in Maryland.

Nearly every Democrat representative voted to protect the illegals to vote in the upcoming election back in July.

In June, America First Legal sent a directive to all 50 states on preventing illegal aliens from voting amidst reports that the lawless Biden regime were distributing social security numbers and voter registration forms to illegals.

The AFL letter was addressed to the chief election official of all 50 states, with copies sent to each Governor and Attorney General. The letter outlined how two key existing federal laws could be used to obtain information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for “any purpose authorized by law.”

“Biden is giving registration forms and social security numbers to illegals. America First Legal is sending an urgent ACTION PLAN to officials in all 50 states on how to stop illegals & non-citizens from voting. States must ensure only citizens vote,” AFL wrote on its social media.

Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to President Trump and America First Legal President, said, “Joe Biden is mass importing criminal migrants, giving them social security numbers, and handing out voter registration forms to migrants, and vigorously opposes any and every effort to verify the citizenship of voters before voting. This is a clear, unambiguous, and direct effort to sabotage the 2024 election through potential mass illegal alien voting — aiding and abetting dramatic foreign interference and the subversion of our democracy.”

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

