Right-Wing Polish MP Delivers $23 Billion Bill to Ukrainian Embassy (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson

Right-Wing Polish MP Delivers $23 Billion Bill to Ukrainian Embassy (Video)


Right-wing Polish MP Krzysztof Bosak  (left) delivered a ‘bill’ for 101bn Zlotys ($23 billion) to the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw on Tuesday, demanding that Kiev repay the aid it has received after it sued Poland before the World Trade Organization for imposing a ban on grain imports from Ukraine. 

Bosak is a Member of the Sejm parliament for the right-wing Konfederacja party, which is putting the ruling conservative Law & Justice Party PiS under pressure ahead of national elections next month as more and more Poles tire of Kiev’s endless demands. Poland has been one of the staunchest supporters of Ukraine since the Russian invasion Feb. 24, but has soured as Ukarine floods their markets with cheap grain.

Bosak’s bill included 15 billion Zlotys (3.47 billion) for military aid, 4.3 billion Zlotys ($1 billion) for Humanitarian aid and 1.6 billion Zlotys ($0.37 billion) financial aid.

“We need to start playing tough, like the Ukrainian oligarchs play, who are represented by Ukrainian politicians,” Bosak said at a press conference.

A day after Bosak’s stunt, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced that Poland is no longer sending  weapons to Ukraine because it wants to arm itself “with the most modern weapons” instead, Morawiecki said.

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