‘On Behalf Of The Family’: Hunter Biden’s Uncle Thanked Lawyer Who Allegedly Paid $2 Million Of Hunter’s Taxes

Hunter Biden’s uncle James thanked Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris “on behalf of the family” for helping out the younger Biden, according to an IRS memo from an interview James Biden gave investigators as part of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes.

James Biden told investigators Hunter Biden asked him to send Morris a thank you at the time Morris was helping out Hunter Biden for reasons his uncle was not aware of, the memo shows. (RELATED: Prosecutor Ignored Apparent ‘Campaign Finance Criminal Violations’ Flagged By IRS Whistleblower, Memo Shows)

James Biden thanked Kevin Morris “on behalf of the family” after Morris “requested a thank you” from Hunter Biden. Morris has been identified as the individual who apparently paid parts of Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/F7JlfaLS9k

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) September 27, 2023

“Morris was helping RHB a lot, but James B didn’t know why. James B thought that this might have been because of his ego. RHB asked James B to thank Morris because Morris requested a thank you,” the document reads.

“James B thought that the money was significant enough that RHB asked his uncle to say something to Morris and thank him. James B didn’t recall a specific discussion only to say thank you ‘on behalf of the family,’” the document adds.

Kevin Morris was identified by the New York Post in May 2022 as the financial benefactor who paid an estimated $2 million of taxes Hunter Biden owed. The New York Times reported in May 2023 that Morris loaned more than $2 million to Hunter Biden to support his family and pay his back taxes, citing four sources familiar with the matter.

Morris is described in the IRS memo as a “very wealthy” individual known for his legal work for comedy show South Park and The Book of Mormon, a musical by the creators of South Park. (RELATED: Burisma Received Joe Biden’s Talking Points From Lobbyists Ahead Of His Trip To Ukraine, Memo Shows)

Hunter Biden’s failed guilty plea agreement with the DOJ confirms there was a third party individual who paid Hunter Biden’s tax liabilities worth roughly $2 million over a multi-year period. The first son pleaded not guilty to two tax misdemeanors in July after Delaware U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika caused a dispute between Biden’s legal team and the DOJ by scrutinizing an immunity provision in the pretrial diversion agreement for Biden’s felony gun charge.

The House Ways and Means Committee released the memo as part of a trove of documents supporting the testimony from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler accusing the DOJ of giving Hunter Biden special treatment in its investigation.

“The evidence shows a pattern of Hunter Biden creating for-profit entities to shield at least $20 million from foreign sources from taxes and hide the trail of payments that led to members of the Biden family,” House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith said in a press release.

“The growing body of evidence further calls into question the Justice Department’s attempted sweetheart plea deal for Hunter Biden, and the reasons for appointing the architect of that plea deal as the special counsel for Hunter Biden’s case, in light of officials’ efforts to protect President Biden and his son,” Smith added.

The House Ways and Means, Judiciary and Oversight Committees are investigating the IRS whistleblower allegations and leading the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. House Oversight is simultaneously investigating Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and the role Joe Biden allegedly played in them.
