Biden family worked closely with Chinese companies ahead of wire payments

Biden family worked closely with Chinese companies ahead of wire payments

September 28, 2023 03:11 PM

A Chinese businessman who sent Hunter Biden wire transfers that listed Joe Biden’s home address in 2019 had multiple interactions with Joe Biden, according to emails and witness testimony.

The House Oversight Committee announced the discovery of the two wire transfers this week. At the time they were sent in late summer 2019, Hunter Biden was sober, remarried, and living in California with his new wife, not at his father’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.


The pair of wires — the first, on July 26, 2019, providing Hunter Biden with $10,000, and the second, in early August, providing him $250,000 — came from Chinese nationals named Wang Xin, Jonathan Li, and Tan Ling, according to the committee.

Hunter Biden and Li had developed a relationship as Hunter Biden pursued multiple deals in China, including with the private equity firm BHR Partners, which he and his business partners joined as a joint venture with Chinese-owned entities. Li became the CEO of BHR.

Around the time that Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, one of his former business partners, signed on to BHR, Hunter Biden traveled to China on Air Force Two with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Once in Beijing for the December 2013 trip, Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between Li and his father.

Although Hunter Biden told the New Yorker in 2019 that the meeting was nothing more than a handshake, Archer told the House Oversight Committee in July that Joe Biden actually met with Li for coffee in China.

Later, Archer said Joe Biden spoke to Li on the phone. During a dinner Hunter Biden, Archer, and Li had in China between 2014 and 2016, Archer testified, Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone to greet his Chinese associate.

Joe Biden also wrote a letter of recommendation for Li’s son to attend Brown University, emails show.

And Archer told the House Oversight Committee in July that Hunter Biden “potentially” mentioned the possibility of his father joining the Chinese businessmen as a paid adviser to one of their companies, although he did not remember the details

When Archer faced legal troubles in an unrelated business matter in 2016, he stepped back from the Chinese venture, and BHR shares that he jointly owned with Hunter Biden were divided up and transferred both to his own company and to one of Hunter Biden’s many companies, Skaneateles, according to emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

More recently, Hunter Biden appears to have transferred ownership of Skaneateles — and therefore, potentially, control of the Chinese shares — to California lawyer Kevin Morris, according to a Washington Free Beacon report in May.

Morris paid off Hunter Biden’s substantial tax liabilities in 2021 amid a sweeping federal investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings; the investigation is ongoing.

While a lawyer for Hunter Biden, George Mesires, said in a statement in October 2019 that Hunter Biden never received any money from BHR, emails and the new wire transfer documents suggest he in fact earned significant funds from his association with the Chinese firm.

Mesires also claimed that Hunter Biden had no equity in BHR until after his father left the vice presidency, although emails suggest this was also untrue. Other companies he partially owned appeared to hold his 10% of BHR shares long before his father left office.

Eric Schwerin, another former business partner, told Hunter Biden to expect a “significant distribution” from the Chinese venture in 2019. He later said those payments would be “far exceeding $150,000,” which Hunter Biden owed to Wang Xin from an earlier capital loan.

Wang Xin is one of the Chinese businesspeople who sent a wire to Hunter Biden in July 2019 using Joe Biden’s Delaware address.

Mesires had claimed in October 2019 that “there have been no distributions to BHR shareholders since Hunter obtained his equity interest.”

The BHR venture, which intended to invest Chinese capital outside China, including in the West, was not the only money-making venture Hunter Biden pursued in China.

Hunter Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, also struck a lucrative partnership with CEFC, a Chinese company that sought, with some apparent success, to forge ties with the Biden family.

A CEFC executive highlighted the value of “the B family” to the Chinese company in April 2017, noting that “their support is the base of CEFC’s further development.”

Hunter Biden appeared to arrange for his father, Jill Biden, and Jim Biden to share an office space with CEFC executives after Joe Biden left office in 2017, emails show.


But the relationship with CEFC appeared to crumble in March 2018 after the Chinese company’s chairman, Ye Jianming, disappeared inside China.

In an angry, rambling email to other CEFC executives in March 2018, Hunter Biden denied ever having been in business with CEFC, demanded the company repay his business expenses, and threatened to sue CEFC in Delaware, where he claimed to know every judge personally.
