WATCH: Woke Portland Leftist Becomes Upset and Panics When She Becomes an Alleged Victim Of Her Own Radical Beliefs | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

WATCH: Woke Portland Leftist Becomes Upset and Panics When She Becomes an Alleged Victim Of Her Own Radical Beliefs

A woke Portland woman panics after a homeless person allegedly steals her iPhone. (Credit: Kevin Dahlgren X)

Radical-left individuals and politicians over the past several years have turned the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon, into a crime-ridden h*llhole. But some never expected their actions to come back to haunt them.

Independent journalist Kevin Dahlgren, along with street photographer Tara Faul, caught one woke individual last week in a panic after her iPhone was allegedly stolen by homeless people. The agitated young woman starts pleading with the vagrants to have mercy on her and kindly return the item because she is not “rich scum.”

“If you stole it from rich scum, by all means, keep it and sell it, but I’m, like, really, really (nice),” she says.

The clip then shows her apparently attempting to bribe the homeless individuals in an frenzied effort to retrieve her iPhone.

“And If you guys come up with my iPhone, I will give you more than… Like, I’m an honest person,” she adds.


According to Dahlgren, the incident did not provide a happy ending for the woman as she did not get her phone back. But true to her warped nature, the woman told Dahlgren and Faul she would NOT call the police to report the crime.

As The Daily Mail notes, people like this woman caused unacceptable crimes like this after voting in lawmakers who have implemented Marxist policies such as defunding the police and refusing to prosecute petty crimes. Moreover, Portland is arguably America’s Antifa capital, with riots and violence an all-too-common occurrence.

Rose City is also plagued with drug addicts and homeless individuals. Disgusting diseases are spreading like wildfire, and children are forced to play inside so they don’t step on needles and hazardous waste.

All of these factors have led businesses, including Nike and Starbucks, to close shop and ditch Portland, leaving hard-working individuals unable to make a living.


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