Report: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as Independent After Democrat Party Made It Impossible for Him to Compete in the Primary Against Joe Biden | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Report: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as Independent After Democrat Party Made It Impossible for Him to Compete in the Primary Against Joe Biden

A true three-way presidential race is about to be underway.

Mediaite reported Friday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be leaving the Democratic Party primary race to run as an independent.

A Kennedy campaign adviser explained to Mediaite the reason for Kennedy’s change of heart:

Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go.

The Gateway Pundit immediately reached out to the Robert Kennedy ’24 campaign for a statement.  We will update our reporting when we hear back from the campaign.

But that is not all. The news gets worse for Biden and the Democrats: in preparation for the announcement, Team Kennedy is planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement. One wonders what, if any dirt, they have on these scoundrels.

In July, Greg Gutfeld proposed Kennedy ditch the Democrats and go third party.

I think he should run as a third party candidate because I do think he should, he would win, is because his party’s radical elements, what we call the woke, have embraced this fascist clampdown on language.

Earlier this month, in an interview on “Forbes Newsroom” with Diane Brady, 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of undermining the democratic process by enacting rules aimed at preventing a fair primary election. According to Kennedy, the DNC’s moves make it impossible for any candidate, including himself, to challenge Joe Biden.

Kennedy highlighted that the DNC had shifted the Iowa primary and had instituted rules that penalize candidates who campaign in certain states.

“If any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or New Hampshire, none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied,” Kennedy said. He added that the DNC is considering rules that would also nullify votes cast for him in states like Georgia if he campaigns in New Hampshire.

“They’ve made rules that if any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied. In other words, any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the President. And now they’re trying to change it so that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count. That’s significant because it’s hard to win the nomination without Georgia,” RFK Jr. said.

According to Kennedy, the DNC’s control over super delegates and automatic delegates makes it virtually insurmountable for any candidate other than Biden to secure the nomination. Kennedy pointed out that he would need to win almost 80% of all states to outmaneuver Biden, assuming Biden only wins 20% of the vote.

“If you add up all the super-delegates that they control, and all of the automatic delegates that just go to the party, I would have to win almost 80% of all the states,” RFK Jr. said.

“It’s pretty clear that the DNC does not want a primary,” said Kennedy. “They’re effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice in who becomes president or who becomes the Democratic nominee.”

Kennedy expressed that such actions from the DNC serve to confirm the growing sentiment among Americans that democracy is broken and the political system is rigged. “We live in a time in American history when a lot of Americans think that democracy is broken,” said Kennedy. “And unfortunately, the DNC is taking steps that confirm that outlook.”

When Brady asked Kennedy about his future strategy, he stated that if the DNC continues its rigging, he would need to look for alternative routes to victory.

“If the DNC is going to rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, then I need to look at other alternatives because I can’t go back to the people support me and to my donors… I need to show them a road to victory,” said Kennedy Jr.

“What kind of alternatives would you be exploring Mr. Kennedy,” asked Brady.

“I don’t know exactly because I want to see what the DNC does,” RFK Jr.

“I want to see if they make it a fair contest. And I’m not asking that it be 100% fair, but I’m asking that there at least be a chance that it be plausible for somebody else to win other than their chosen anointed candidate,” he added.


You can watch the full interview below:

