Illegal Aliens Wreak Havoc At Southern Border Near El Paso, Rush Border Chanting “Si Se Puede!” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

Illegal Aliens Wreak Havoc At Southern Border Near El Paso, Rush Border Chanting “Si Se Puede!” (VIDEO)

A Nation in crisis.

The Biden Regime has literally become a criminal syndicate allowing the U.S. to be invaded by illegal aliens.

A video posted to social media by Univision showed illegals in Juarez, Mexico on Tuesday night storming the area bordering El Paso, Texas. The illegals can be heard chanting, “Si se puede!” Although the illegals are on the Mexican side of the border, it is clear from their disposition that they want to cross into the U.S. They know they will be released to go wherever they want.


Collin Rugg posted the same video to comment on just how bad Biden’s policies have been. “Rest assured: The border is completely secure according to the Biden White House.”

Earlier this week White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Republicans for the border crisis and claimed the GOP is politicizing the border. She also claimed that Biden got “record funding” to acquire 25,000 Federal agents at the border. She failed to admit that the Biden Regime is letting illegals in intentionally and then letting them disappear into the U.S.


If according to Karine Jean Pierre, the border is secure, then why have there been record illegal crossings through places like Eagle Pass, Texas? In September alone in just one day, 4,000 illegals crossed into Eagle Pass after a train carrying military-aged men from Venezuela arrived in Mexico. They wouldn’t go to all this trouble if the border was secure.

There are varying statistics to how many illegals have entered the U.S since the Biden regime was installed but at the constant rate of them flowing into the country it is in the millions. No press secretary can deny that, but Karine Jean-Pierre still tries to find a way.

Last month The Gateway Pundit reported on the invasion at the southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas where there was a never ending line of military aged males from Venezuala.

The Biden Regime continues to lie to the citizens of our country with the help of the media. But the proof is there. A massive group of military-aged men arrived in Mexico by train from Venezuela last month.

Video posted to social media shows a huge line of illegals walking together. They were asked in Spanish where they were from and they replied, “Venezuela.”


