Israel war: Israeli-designated terror group Samidoun to host NYC rally supporting Gaza

Israel war: Israeli-designated terror group Samidoun to host NYC rally supporting Gaza

October 09, 2023 12:45 PM

An Israeli-designated terrorist organization is coordinating an “emergency rally” Monday in support of Gaza following the deadly Hamas attack on Israel over the weekend.

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network will join other anti-Israel groups at 2 p.m. outside the Consulate General of Israel Embassy in New York City to “mobilize to defend the heroic Palestinian resistance,” according to a social media post. Samidoun, which Israel’s government flagged as a terror group in 2021, is a project of Alliance for Global Justice, an Arizona charity that payment processors have dropped after Washington Examiner reports on terror ties.


“Bring your flags, signs, keffiyehs + voices. Masking is encouraged. Help spread word by sharing WIDELY and inviting everyone to join us Monday to show support for Palestinian liberation and return by any means necessary!” said Within Our Lifetime, a pro-Palestinian initiative in New York that the Anti-Defamation League says is run by leaders who have voiced support for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a U.S.-designated terror group.

The planned event comes as the Israel-Gaza war escalates, with the Israel Defense Forces carrying out 130 airstrikes in the last 24 hours in the Hamas-ruled territory. At least 800 in Israel are dead and thousands remain critically injured on the heels of Hamas, the Iranian-backed terror group, launching an unexpected attack on Saturday that is being likened by government officials to “Israel’s 9/11.”

Samidoun, an Israeli-designated terror project of the left-wing Arizona charity Alliance for Global Justice, is rallying in support of Palestinian terrorism against Jews.

The Alliance recently was dropped by three payment processors following @dcexaminer reports

— Gabe Kaminsky (@gekaminsky) October 8, 2023

Samidoun has shared employees with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and has been on the radar of congressional Republicans due to its sponsorship from Alliance for Global Justice, a left-wing nonprofit group that’s also sponsored the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. PACBI has been accused of having terror ties that the Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue recently booted off its platform.

The payment processors PayPal, Stripe, and Salsa Labs have all stopped working with Alliance for Global Justice after reports from the Washington Examiner on the charity’s terror ties. “I’m pleased to announce that today PayPal committed to me that it no longer services this entity,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) recently announced. “For American companies, national security should be more important than the bottom line. Doing business with fiscal sponsors of Palestinian terrorists is not acceptable.”

Other groups participating in the Monday rally are listed as the City University of New York School of Law, the far-left activist group Decolonize This Place, and Existence is Resistance, which is selling shirts on Etsy that read, “Defend Palestine.”

“It’s just gruesome,” Ron Machol, chief operating officer of Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel think tank that has accused Alliance for Global Justice in IRS complaints of violating federal law by allegedly providing material support to terrorism, told the Washington Examiner. Machol’s group has also called on the U.S. government to designate Samidoun as a terrorist group.

“The issue is the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” is designated but “not Samidoun,” said Machol, adding that the Treasury Department should update its list of foreign terror proxies.

“Meanwhile, in AMERICA…,” conservative attorney Marina Medvin said in reaction to the Samidoun rally.

“A designated terrorist group, Samidoun, is planning on holding a rally TOMORROW in NYC outside the ‘Zionist embassy,'” Republican strategist Steve Guest said.

Meanwhile, in Colombia, the country’s ambassador said on Sunday that the Israeli Embassy in Bogota was vandalized with swastikas. Samidoun on Saturday put out a statement in solidarity with Gaza.

“Imperialism is the primary enemy of the Palestinian cause, creating the Zionist project and arming it to the teeth as a mechanism of attack against the Arab and Iranian peoples, alongside Zionism, the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime and reactionary, complicit Arab forces,” Samidoun said. “Today, the resistance is making clear that despite the weaponry and brutality of the occupier, the promise of liberation is closer than ever before. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”


Alliance for Global Justice, Samidoun, and CUNY Law School did not respond to requests for comment.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the New York Police Department and the Israeli Consulate for comment.
