“Kari is One of The Toughest Fighters in Our Movement” – President Trump Makes Unprecedented Endorsement for Kari Lake in Video Appearance DURING Campaign Announcement Rally (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

“Kari is One of The Toughest Fighters in Our Movement” – President Trump Makes Unprecedented Endorsement for Kari Lake in Video Appearance DURING Campaign Announcement Rally (VIDEO)

President Trump phoned into Kari Lake’s US Senate campaign announcement rally on Tuesday night with a video message giving Kari Lake his Complete and Total Endorsement for US Senate in 2024.

This is the first endorsement Trump has ever made upon a candidate announcing their bid for office. “I’m humbled. I don’t think he’s ever done that before right out of the gates,” said Lake

The Gateway Pundit reported live on the massive rally last night, and Kari Lake was On Fire. Watch a replay of Lake’s first Senatorial campaign speech here:

WATCH LIVE: Kari Lake Announces US Senate Bid at Rally in Scottsdale, Arizona – Already Leads Democrats in General Election

Thousands showed up to hear Kari’s announcement, where she gave the best speech she’s ever given to announce her historic role in taking back our country in 2024.

“We’re just getting started,” Kari said, sharing a photo of the massive crowd at her announcement rally.

Kari ended her rally by telling the crowd what she will fight for in the Senate, emphasizing election integrity. Lake concluded her Senate announcement, telling the crowd, “I am in this for us… I want to protect Arizona, and I want to protect the United States of America.”

Watch below:

Watch footage of President Trump giving Kari his Complete and Total Endorsement for US Senate from the massive rally crowd below:

Original message from President Trump via Trump War Room on X:

Trump: Hello, Arizona. I love Arizona. It’s great to be with you tonight and with your next United States Senator, Kari Lake. I wish I could be there with everyone, but I’m busy on the campaign trail and fighting off all of the bad people, and we’re running for President, and we’re doing really well. We’re leading every poll by a lot, in fact, record numbers. And when I’m back in the White House, I need strong fighters like Kari in the Senate. She is a fighter, she is strong, and she is good. She’s got a great heart, by the way. For four incredible years, my administration brought historic peace and prosperity to America, and in three awful years, Crooked Joe Biden has sent our nation on a tragedy to hell. He’s the worst President we’ve ever had. He’s the most corrupt President we’ve ever had. And he’s the most incompetent President we’ve ever had. I’m running to reverse this decline, and I’m winning because every day, more and more Americans are waking up to what an utter disaster the Democrats are for America. In 2024, I will return to the White House and get our country back on track. To undo the damage that Biden and the radical Democrats have done, Republicans must win, and we must win very, very big. It’s much harder for them to cheat if we do it like we should, if we swap them; we’re going to swap them. When we get enough votes, they can’t cheat because they can’t cheat that badly. I will need a majority in the House and in the Senate. We have to have a big strong majority to help me push our America First agenda through and to push it through really fast. That starts right here tonight by helping Kari Lake win in Arizona, and she will win too. She’s an amazing woman respected by everybody. Kari is one of the toughest fighters in our movement, and I am proud to give her my Complete and Total Endorsement for the United States Senate. She is very special. With people like Kari fighting for Arizona in the Senate, with me in the White House, we will Make America Great Again. So God bless you, God bless Arizona. And Kari, God bless you. You’re in on an amazing journey, and you’re gonna win, and we love you very much, and it’s an honor to endorse you.

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Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is now on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona’s elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America’s fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.

