HORRIFIC MILESTONE: 1000 Days Incarcerated… NO TRIAL | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

HORRIFIC MILESTONE: 1000 Days Incarcerated… NO TRIAL

One thousand days of torture and destruction of the Constitutional rights of January 6 political prisoner Jake Lang is enough to send shivers down your spine.

Today, Friday the 13th, is Lang’s 1000th day of incarceration without a trial.

Languishing in pre-trial detention for years with no end in sight  “feels like ‘an eternity,’” Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“If not for God, I never would have made it this long as a POW,” he said.

Lang was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on Jan. 16, 2021, for his alleged role in the Capitol riot. During the riot, he saved the lives of two other protesters, Phillip Anderson and Tommy Tatum, as police indiscriminately fired the crowd with rubber bullets, tear gas, and flash grenades and beat even the most peaceful demonstrators to a bloody pulp with nightsticks. Lang is one of the several protesters J6 defendants who attempted to render aid to Roseanne Boyland as she lay unconscious after being beaten by Officer Lila Morris, who was awarded for heroism after the murder.

The New York native and Hunter College graduate went to prison as a 25-year-old young man with no prior criminal record. Now he will celebrate his 29th birthday in a grimy cell of the DC gulag in just a few months.

He continues to be denied the most basic and fundamental human right: due process, the opportunity to face his accusers and prove his innocence at trial.

To commemorate his 1000th day imprisoned, Lang is sounding the alarm on the grotesque abuses he and other January 6 defendants endure.

“The conditions of confinement January 6 patriots are crammed into at the Washington DC gulag and in federal prisons and penitentiaries across the country are simply not fit for human life,” Lang warns. “All the January 6 defendants, myself included, have without question been subjected to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment for years without reprieve!

“I would like to first say, I am not complaining. I thank God for not only guiding me in maintaining my sanity but a profound peace and joy every day throughout the torment I’ve endured in all thirteen different jails and prisons I’ve been in.

“We have been forced to wither away in an environment that is disgusting and  lacking in basic social, dietary, hygienic and religious needs.”

Lang sent The Gateway Pundit a list of the long-standing abuses he and other January 6 political prisoners continue to endure:

1. I have been locked in solitary confinement, in an 8 x10 prison cell for 23/ 22 hours a day for over 600 of my last 1000 days of incarceration. Even some stretches of 2+ weeks inside a cell, only leaving the cell once every 3 days for a 10-minute shower – this was for refusing a COVID test! Irreparably devastating to social & mental health, inhumane at best! Even a dog gets walked outside once a day.

2. No hygeine permitted. Having to go over 15 months without a haircut or shave, makes us feel homeless, disgusting, without human dignity, unrecognizable in the mirror & deranged in the courtroom.

3. Not having in-person visitation with our family for 16+ months, essentially holding us hostage from society in attempt to make us cave into horrible plea deals. (9+ year plea deal in my case)

4. Still no video visitation in DC Jail for Jan 6ers only!

5. Denial of Bible study/worship service for all the January 6 Christians for 20+ months. Forced to read God’s word to each other through the vents in our cells on lockdown. Fellowship finds a way.

6. No outdoor recreation time for first 6 months in DC Jail, and many other stretches of months at a time. Denied direct sunlight & fresh air, treated worse than zoo animals! Imagine never going outside for half a year.

7. Inside solitary confinement. Jan 6ers are arbitrarily charged with uncostitutional violations and brought to the basement of DC Jail on the ground floor, named ‘ The Hole,’ separated from all human connection, fed through a small slot in the door, handcuffed behind the back to go to the showers, vermin in cells including rats & many cockroaches and damp, pungent mildew smell and wet walls. Brought to an outdoor cage for recreation. No contact with other humans. Bible study through slot in door with other suffering Christians for 20 minutes while you eat alone on floor of your cell. Not chair or desk, an empty room with a 1-inch mattress and an old metal toilet.

I spent 6+ months in the hole. God’s grace was sufficient.

8. Various serious legal violations including no access to discovery or video evidence against you, random raiding of the cells by prison guards where documents go missing, no legal library. Worst possible place to try and prepare an adequate defense for trial.

The entire power & resources of the United States Government versus a man with both arms tied behind his back in the most corrupt & bias city in America for a trial. David vs Goliath. Only God can deliver us, & miracles still do happen.

9. Forced coercion to taking COVID vaccine ( We were told if you don’t take VAX – no family visitation, no religious services, forced to wear mask to leave your cell, & 14 days of quarantine /solitary confinement every time you visit lawyer or go to court!)

10. I was beaten and harassed by DC Jail guards, including a chemical weapon attack by high powered OC Spray. Military grade pepper spray that burns for hours – even days – after they force you to shower naked in front of female guards to remove spray, spray oils leak down to genitals, immense pain & burning sensation. Its horrific. I was sprayed with nearly an entire can once by Srg. Robinson for displaying family photos & a Bible to another Jan 6er inside my own cell. I was left in the basement, ‘The Hole’ of DC Jail for 2 weeks without a change of clothes or blanket. I even had to show up to a virtual court conference and tell Judge Nichols I was literally presently shoeless & without a shirt beneath my jumpsuit while live on the web camera before I was given my property & clothing.

I was also assaulted by Corporal Taylor in front of many witnesses for singing the National Anthem, and thrown against the wall and punched in the gut to force me to stop singing. This happened the day they marched every January 6 inmate through DC Jail holding only a mattress, September 18th 2021, a psychological torture technique often used on prisoners of war to break their resolve. We thought we were being taken outside to be shot.

11. Unconstitutional pre-trial indefinite detention, without right to have reasonable bond set, for 1000 days without a trial. No trial date scheduled, endless limbo of tyranny.

12. Sleep deprivation techniques, bright light stays on inside your cell 24/7, corrections officers constantly banging on your door in the middle of the night to see if you are alive. Horrendous environment to achieve peace. Feds unaware the Word of God is living water and immeasurable peace.

13. Diesel therapy tactics – constantly moving Federal prisoners around to different facilities, unmooring them mentally & making them constantly readjust to new environment. Not allowing them to gather evidence for their defense, keeping their attorneys trying to navigate vastly different procedures for visiting & supplying evidence & legal documents too. New commissary extortion, new clothing basic hygiene, food. Moved to new prison, forced to quarantine, family unaware of your location or if you are safe. Unbelievable stress & pressure. Feeble attempt to break resolve & torture you into plea deal. I have been moved to 13 different facilities since I was arrested January 16th, 2021.

Feds / Deep State unaware of Gods Holy Spirit given to those who suffer as Christ for righteousness sake. Unbreakable patriots thrive in calamity.

14. Commissary & Phone call extortion racket. Average J6 family spends $600 a month to keep their political prisoner clothed, feed, hygiene products, phone calls, & texting credits. Pre trial detainees being milked into poverty to bring destitution amongst their family. Many have young children & wives at home that have been brought to selling homes, repossessed cars, moving into apartments and even camping out in Washington DC to afford being able to attend their own soviet show trials. Please become a monthly commissary sponsor to help these struggling families –> SponsorJ6.com

15. Extortion by Government forcing Jan 6 defendants to retain expensive federal attorneys. Most families entire life savings have been dumped into legal defense to try and save the lives of their Jan 6 political prisoners from the corrupt. Please help the January 6 retain competent legal defense in a fight for their lives. Visit J6Legal.org to donate.

This is just a small fraction of the horrific abuse that I (and hundreds more) have endured at the hands of the United States tyrannical government. In spite of all of this adversity, God has enabled me to have a voice and impact our community of patriots. If I can do it, so can you America! Let my testimony inspire your faith in God, and his ability to bring beauty from ashes, and turn tragedy into triumph. I love you all with the love of Christ. Liberty or Death.

– Edward Jacob Lang
Political Prisoner #376444

