Outrageous! The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas — Email: [email protected] | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Outrageous! The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas — Email: [email protected]

It’s Been One Week and the International Red Cross Is AWOL on the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas

Last Saturday Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel and slaughtered over 1,300 innocent Israelis and took over 100 civilians hostage. Hamas attacked an outdoor music festival, killed nearly 300 young adults, and took dozens of the young men and women captive.

This was a clear war crime.

Since last weekend the International Red Cross has been AWOL in repeated requests to check on the well-being of the hostages.

The email sent to The Gateway Pundit read as follows:

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki called me from Israel 3 times today. For the first time in his life, he broke Shabbat, because he said it is urgent that people know it’s been a week and the international Red Cross has been AWOL on the Israeli hostages (this includes Americans).

The question is, does the International Red Cross support Hamas?

Now, any elected official who condemned Hamas needs to issue a second statement calling on the international Red Cross to do their job and call for immediate knowledge of the hostages and for their immediate release. We did a pro Israel conference at Regent with Rabbi Wolicki last year and we’re holding another this year at Regent. He is very smart, lived in the US, speaks with a full American accent, and speaks very well on media. I urge you to have him on your platforms ASAP.

I think all pressure should be on these two points:

  1. “Where’s the Red Cross?” exactly as Nitsana presents it. The beauty of this is that while Hamas can ignore US calls for release, the Red Cross can’t ignore public pressure from heads of state and media.
  2. Every country that condemned the Hamas atrocities must now be called upon to issue a statement demanding Hamas release all civilian hostages and bodies.

How many congressmen will make a statement?

Blinken, Biden: You’ve got Americans in Gaza. Do your job and DEMAND THEIR RELEASE!

1. Where is the Red Cross?

2. Hamas must release all civilian hostages and bodies of the hostages they killed!

Transcript below:

Where is the Red Cross? Since the Israeli hostages were seized by the Hamas terrorists on Saturday morning, no one knows of their conditions or whereabouts. We have no information of who was murdered and who remains alive. Authorities are not even sure of the numbers of captive involved.

The Red Cross is tasked with tracking those being held captive in times of war and ensuring they are being treated humanly and provided appropriate medical care. The Red Cross is obligated to make every effort to visit the captives and directly ensure their safe treatment and rights. They have a responsibility to report to the families, but the Red Cross is refusing to carry out its duties on behalf of the Israeli Hamas hostages. When we approached them, they said, “they weren’t active in Gaza,” but look what they tweeted just an hour later:

“During the darkest hours of our presence in Gaza, we never envisaged a scenario where 2 million civilians could possibly live through heavy bombing, deprived of water, food, electricity, and medicine.”

So the Red Cross is actually there. They are in Gaza. They’re just turning a blind eye to the plight and conditions of the Israeli hostages. We all know they are already intervening on behalf of the captured Hamas terrorists being held by Israel, and we urge the Israeli authorities not to allow this bias agency any access unless they intervene on behalf of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. But the Red Cross has to raise its voice.

Please write to your local Red Cross and demand to know what they are doing to ensure the safety and well being of the Israeli captives. Write and call also the headquarters in Geneva. Remember, there are young Israeli children, babies, and women being killed. Please forward this video to everyone that you know.

Contact Information of Red Cross in Geneva:
Tel: +41227346001
Email: [email protected]

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

