“Why Do People Believe Someone Who Is a Clear Hater of Isreal?” – BRUTAL: Far Left BLM Hoaxer Shaun King Claims He Helped Facilitate Release of US Hostages from Hamas – Family Says They’ve Never Heard of Him | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

“Why Do People Believe Someone Who Is a Clear Hater of Isreal?” – BRUTAL: Far Left BLM Hoaxer Shaun King Claims He Helped Facilitate Release of US Hostages from Hamas – Family Says They’ve Never Heard of Him


As reported earlier – There was wonderful Friday from Gaza, an American mother and her daughter, Judith and Natalie Raanan, taken hostage by Hamas during their deadly raid inside Israel were released by the terror group.

Qatar took credit for the negotiations that led to the mother and daughter’s release from Hamas.

Hamas Barbarians Release Two American Hostages after 13 Days – Mother and Daughter Judith and Natalie Raanan

Then after the release of Natalie and her mother fake black activist Shaun King, aka. Talcum X, claimed on social media that he was working behind the scene to get the two Americans released. Shaun King wrote online that they are his friends and supporters.

King announced on October 11, four days after Hamas slaughtered 1,300 Jews in Israel and took another 200 hostage, that he was going to take action.

His wife posted about King’s plans.

On Friday Shaun King wrote on social media that he was behind the scenes working for the release of the American mother and daughter.

Not everyone was buying it. Several pundits doubted King’s outlandish claims.


Now this…
The Ranaan family released a statement on Saturday. They’ve never even heard of Shaun King.

The conman got caught again!

The Ranaan family released this statement on Saturday.

Translated: “The family of Natalie and Yehudit R’anan says they have no idea who Shaun King is.”

Here is more transcript (translated) from the tweet:

Since the release of the abductions, a conspiracy theory about the identity of the abductions has been spreading online, something that is important to refute right now. The activist and writer Shaun King, who has millions of followers and is strongly identified with the support for the Palestinians and constantly puts up clear anti-Israel posts, put up a post on October 10th, just a few days after the outbreak of the war, with a picture of Natalie Ra’anan. He writes there that her relatives asked him to ask for her release, that she is an American citizen and even a supporter of his – again, that’s just him claiming yes? that she demonstrated against the police and spoke against injustice in Israel. People shared this post, believing it as it is (even though it is distinctly anti-Israel, but here they do choose to believe it) as proof that there is some kind of intentional hand here that they were actually released. Let’s go back again: the family clearly says they have no idea who this is and they heard about him and the post for the first time after they were released. But it doesn’t matter: network stations continue to share this without any substantiation, raising “doubts” to the point that people have already determined that they support Hamas (!!!)

Why do people believe someone who is a clear hater of Israel? We fight the networks against these people and then believe every word they say?



Via Visegrad.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

