WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Kremlin Rages After Biden Ramps Up War Rhetoric and Compares Putin to Hamas

Joe Biden delivered a national address to the American people on Thursday night on the United States’ response to Hamas’s terrorist attacks against Israel along with Russia’s ongoing war with Ukraine.

During his speech, Joe Biden ramped up the war rhetoric and compared Russia to Hamas.

Biden also listed a number of actions that he blamed on Russia, including: “Mass graves, the bodies found bearing signs of torture, rape used as a weapon by the Russians, and thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly taken into Russia, stolen from their parents.”

Joe Biden also managed to compare Russia to the Hamas barbarians.

That’s pretty outrageous. Crazy Old Joe is itching for a full-blown war with Russia.

Joe Biden: You know, the assault on Israel echoes nearly 20 months of war, tragedy, and brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine — people that were very badly hurt since Putin launched his all-out invasion.

We’ve have not forgotten the mass graves, the bodies found bearing signs of torture, rape used as a weapon by the Russians, and thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly taken into Russia, stolen from their parents. It’s sick.

Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy — completely annihilate it.

Hamas — its stated purpose for existing is the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.

Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and innocent Palestinian families are suffering greatly because of them.

Meanwhile, Putin denies Ukraine has or ever had real statehood. He claims the Soviet Union created Ukraine. And just two weeks ago, he told the world that if the United States and our allies withdraw — and if the United States withdraw, our allies will as well — military support for Ukraine, it would have, quote, “a week left to live.” But we’re not withdrawing.

The Biden regime then launched a nuclear test in Nevada.

Russia says they are monitoring the test.

Following Joe Biden’s speech, the Kremlin said it was unacceptable to compare Putin to Hamas.

Reuters reported:

The Kremlin said on Friday that remarks by U.S. President Joe Biden comparing Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Palestinian militant group Hamas were “unacceptable”.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters the current moment was a potentially dangerous one, and that the threat to Russian citizens would grow exponentially once Israel started its expected ground operation in Gaza…

…Peskov said that “such rhetoric is hardly suitable for responsible heads of state, and such rhetoric can hardly be acceptable for us; we do not accept such a tone towards the Russian Federation and towards our president”.

Peskov declined to say who would represent Russia at Saturday’s peace summit for the Palestinian conflict in Cairo, referring the query to the foreign ministry.

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