Left-wing Arabella Advisors dark money groups cut ties with Palestinian terror-tied charity

Left-wing Arabella Advisors dark money groups cut ties with Palestinian terror-tied charity

October 30, 2023 11:17 AM

Two groups in the largest Democratic-tied dark money network in the United States are parting ways with a “progressive” charity in Arizona revealed through a Washington Examiner investigation to share Palestinian terror ties.

New Venture Fund and Windward Fund, two charities managed by the liberal consultancy Arabella Advisors, steered $473,000 between 2020 and 2021 to Alliance for Global Justice, according to tax forms. However, the funds are announcing they will not be handing grants anymore to the Arizona nonprofit group, which four payment processors have dropped this year over its links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror group.


“We condemn terrorism and violence against civilians in all forms and do not support any projects or provide any grants to organizations that fund terrorism,” New Venture Fund President Lee Bodner told the Washington Examiner. “New Venture Fund is discontinuing grants to any projects hosted by Alliance for Global Justice.”

Windward Fund President Lynn McNair told the New York Post the charity “is no longer providing grants to organizations that are sponsored by Alliance for Global Justice.”

“Our organization does not support terrorism in any form and strongly denounce any violence against civilians,” McNair said.

The revelation is poised to harm the financial stability of Alliance for Global Justice, which in 2023 lost the ability to accept credit card donations after the payment processors PayPal, Stripe, Salsa Labs, and Deluxe all jumped ship. Through fiscal sponsorship, Alliance for Global Justice provides services such as payroll, donation processing, and health insurance for left-wing projects, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israeli-designated terror group that has shared staffers with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Samidoun has been hosting pro-Palestinian rallies across the world on the heels of Hamas launching its deadly terror attack against Israel. For instance, Samidoun on Oct. 8 posted images online of activists handing out candy to Berlin protesters to celebrate Hamas, prompting Germany’s government to ban Samidoun, Reuters reported. Over 1,400 Israelis have been killed in connection to the conflict since Oct. 7.

In recent years, PayPal closed accounts for both Samidoun and its French coalition member Collectif Palestine Vaincra over terror ties. Alliance for Global Justice was accused in an IRS complaint in January of helping Collectif Palestine Vaincra fundraise in violation of federal law. The Arizona group also sponsors the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a pro-Palestinian group that the Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue recently booted off its platform.

Canada Israel Palestinians
A pro-Palestinian march gathers in a Toronto intersection on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. Protesters took to the streets in support of the people in the Gaza Strip amid a war between Israel and Hamas.

Chris Young/AP

In the past, Alliance for Global Justice has said it sponsors 130 projects, but its website page to view them now directs to a “404 error,” making it unclear what this number stands at. The Arizona group also sponsored the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel and Lajee Center, whose director has posted videos on social media apparently depicting Palestinian children violently clashing with Israel’s military, the Washington Examiner reported.

Tax attorneys have argued that any organizations working alongside Alliance for Global Justice could be providing material support to terrorism.

In November 2022, New Venture Fund told the Washington Examiner that its $38,000 grant in 2021 to Alliance for Global Justice was for its “Philly Thrive” project, which focuses on the climate. “It was made for the explicit purpose of helping clean up and repurpose land in Philadelphia that once housed an oil refinery,” the fund said.

A Windward Fund spokesperson previously said its grants to the charity were “to support environmental cleanup of a site in New York City.”


The two charities aren’t the only grantmakers to sever ties with Alliance for Global Justice. So did Arnold Ventures, an LLC bankrolled by ex-Enron executive and retired hedge fund manager John Arnold and his wife, former Cobalt International Energy lawyer Laura Arnold, the Washington Examiner reported last week.

Alliance for Global Justice did not return a request for comment.
