New Video Emerges Of CNN Accidentally Catching Woman Allegedly Stuffing Several Ballots into Drop Box In Cleveland, OH, During LIVE Segment on 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray

New Video Emerges Of CNN Accidentally Catching Woman Allegedly Stuffing Several Ballots into Drop Box In Cleveland, OH, During LIVE Segment on 2020 Election

On Tuesday, two controversial ballot issues that typically draw a large number of Democrat voters to the polls will appear on the ballot in Ohio. Proposal 1, which would create radical abortion laws, which would be enshrined in the state’s constitution and would include abortion without consent by minors, and Proposal 2, the legalization of marijuana.

For those of us who’ve been reporting on how voter fraud is committed across America, it has never been more critical for the red state of Ohio to put safeguards in place to protect their elections before Nov 7, 2023.

Only two days ago, Ohio Senator Niraj Antani (R) called for the elimination of absentee ballot drop boxes in his state.

Antani calls the legalization of drop boxes in Ohio a “poison in the bill” and says the Ohio legislature needs to “undo” it.

Senator Niraj Antani (R-Miamisburg)

Like its neighboring state of Michigan, Ohio state election law strictly prohibits registered voters from dropping ballots into a drop box for anyone other than themselves or a close family member.

Local NBC4  reports – Antani said he worries about the integrity of elections with the use of drop boxes, specifically ballot harvesting.

“We know that Ohio recently hasn’t been a competitive state, but, in the future, we know with [Senator] Sherrod Brown’s (D-Ohio) race and many other races, it is going to become more competitive, and we are going to see Democrats using this tool illegally to ballot harvest,” he said.

Under the state’s law, drop boxes are required to always be monitored by video surveillance, and the video recordings are public record. Sen. Bill DeMora (D-Columbus) is already opposing the newly proposed legislation and said Antani is trying to fix a problem that does not exist.

“It’s not a valid concern; ballot harvesting doesn’t happen,” DeMora said. “Ballot drop boxes are secure. And not once since we’ve had boxes have there been instances of someone breaking into a box, stealing something, or dropping off hundreds of ballots at one time.”

At the time of his statement, Antani did not have any examples of this being an issue in the state but said he worries about it in the near future.

But that was two days ago…

Today, a new video is being shared across social media that mirrors the 2020 election surveillance footage the Gateway Pundit obtained from the city of Detroit, MI. The videos revealed multiple individuals, including Detroit USPS workers, stuffing ballot boxes with multiple ballots across Detroit.

Image from surveillance cameras positioned above a drop box in Detroit shows two women working together to drop a massive stack of absentee ballots into a drop box. One woman jams the ballots into the drop box, while the other woman appears to be filming the activity with her phone.

In the video that’s now going viral on social media, a CNN reporter can be seen talking about how there is only one drop box in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, during a segment on the 2020 election. The reporter, who was standing in front of the drop box in Cleveland, Ohio, paused when he noticed a woman on the other side and decided to try to add a human interest element to his story by interviewing her. “You can see this voter right here—casting her vote,” the reporter says, as the camera pans over to an unidentified woman who was busy allegedly stuffing a large stack of ballots into the drop box.

“Did you vote for Reagan or Jimmy Carter?” the CNN reporter asks as he approaches the woman. “Carter,” she responds, as she allegedly stuffs the ballot drop box in front of the cameras.

Curiously, almost as quickly as the spontaneous conversation began, the conversation ends as the CNN cameras quickly move away from the woman.

The woman’s identity was partially hidden, of course, as a mask mostly covered her face as she stood alone in front of her vehicle.


In Ohio, the current law only allows one drop box per county. But as seen in the CNN video,  it only takes one drop box per county and organized groups of individuals to flip elections.

The Gateway Pundit released multiple videos from surveillance cameras across the city of Detroit showing individuals inserting stacks of absentee ballots into drop boxes. Yet, Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel and MI SOS Jocelyn Benson never publicly addressed the videos. Why?

The Gateway Pundit video shows two women dropping a massive stack of ballots into a Detroit drop box in broad daylight.

In another video obtained by the Gateway Pundit, a Detroit USPS worker can be seen dropping a stack of ballots into a drop box in Detroit.

According to a top official with the Detroit Post Office, it is not acceptable for a postal worker to drop ballots anywhere other than the address on the envelope. The communications director at the Detroit Post Office told us that the two postal workers seen in the Gateway Pundit video have been disciplined, while Michigan’s dirty Democrat SOS Jocelyn Benson calls their conduct “normal and legal” on her state-funded MI SOS website.

The Gateway Pundit put together a 14-minute compilation of individuals in Detroit, MI, who appear to be involved in suspicious if not illegal, vote activity in the 2020 election.


