Police Say They Busted $8.5 Million ‘Magic Mushroom Factory’ Hidden In Suburban Connecticut Home

Connecticut law enforcement officers raided a suburban home Nov. 2 in Burlington, where they said they discovered a multimillion-dollar “magic mushroom factory.”

The elaborate operation was discovered following an anonymous tip that led police to the residence of Westen Soule, according to Connecticut State Police. Upon arriving at Soule’s home, officers said they noticed ventilation equipment commonly used in clandestine labs, raising suspicions. The investigation led detectives to a detached garage on Soule’s property, where they said they stumbled upon an elaborate mushroom-growing setup. Connecticut State Police said that the operation was estimated to be worth around $8.5 million, with psychedelic mushrooms in various stages of growth. (RELATED: ‘Magic’ Mushrooms Are Now Legal In Oregon As State Begins Training ‘Facilitators’ To Supervise Use)

Magic mushroom dealer’s secret $8.5M factory raided in suburban home: police https://t.co/OfX45kW6Vz

— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 6, 2023

Soule attempted to block detectives from entering his home, leading to the execution of search warrants, according to authorities. Officers then seized an extensive collection of psychedelic mushrooms, scientifically known as psilocybin, commonly referred to as “magic mushrooms,” according to their press release. These substances, which resemble ordinary mushrooms, can affect a person’s senses, thoughts, and emotions, often causing hallucinations, the news release further added.

Photographs released by the Connecticut State Police showed Soule’s alleged operation, including metal shelves filled with oversized bags of mushrooms were stacked from floor to ceiling, filling rooms in the residence.

A study released in 2022 suggested psychedelics can be used as an antidepressant. Soule initially denied the mushrooms’ illegality, but later confessed after authorities discovered his operation. Police arrested and charged him with possession with intent to sell/distribute narcotics and operation of a drug factory. Soule is currently held on a $250,000 bond and is set to be arraigned Nov. 16 in New Britain Superior Court.
