Fed-up Republicans to confront Tuberville over Pentagon holds on Tuesday

Fed-up Republicans to confront Tuberville over Pentagon holds on Tuesday

November 07, 2023 10:37 AM

Republicans will huddle on Tuesday to chart a path forward amid mounting frustration inside the conference over Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) hold on military promotions.

Tuberville has been embroiled in conflict over his hold on senior military promotions in protest of the Pentagon’s abortion policy, which pays for the travel costs and time off of service members who must travel out of state to receive an abortion due to restrictive laws. The effort, which began in February, has blocked the nominations of over 370 general and flag officers.


Senate Republican leadership largely distanced itself from Tuberville’s actions as the number of holds grew, instead working in private to try to find the first-term Republican an off-ramp. Few in the party were willing to criticize the senator publicly over the holds before last week’s floor showdown, though many expressed dismay over the national security risks caused by the holds behind the scenes.

The vast majority of Republicans oppose the abortion policy, including the group of senators who spent more than four hours on the Senate floor on Wednesday evening to try and force voice votes on 61 nominees.

Tuberville blocked each one.

Sens. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and Joni Ernst (R-IA), joined by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), and Mitt Romney (R-UT), unloaded on Tuberville in occasionally personal attacks, with Sullivan rehashing a claim the Alabama senator denies and Ernst questioning his honor as a man.

“We have done the best we can to honor the request of a fellow senator that these nominations be brought to the floor and voted on individually,” Ernst said. “I really respect men of their word. I do not respect men who do not honor their word.”

With the support of GOP leadership, Sullivan and Ernst led the behind-the-scenes effort to negotiate a solution with Tuberville. Going public with their frustration comes after months of pitching him everything from a vote to reverse the policy to a more limited hold for civilian nominees.

It also comes amid a push by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) and Jack Reed (D-RI) to whip GOP support for a resolution that would temporarily alter the rules to allow most of the stalled promotions in large batches. Reed, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Sinema, who left the Democratic Party last year, have strong relationships inside the GOP conference.

That sway gives them a fighting chance at securing nine Republican votes needed to pass the resolution.

Tuberville has vowed to continue his effort until the Pentagon reverses its policy, even after the GOP defections, and it is unclear if pressure at Tuesday’s luncheon will force any changes. He will also circulate a memo outlining his willingness to consider off-ramps to Senate Republicans ahead of the meeting, two sources familiar with the plans told the Washington Examiner.


When asked about the next steps late Monday in the Capitol, Tuberville expressed some optimism about finding a solution, saying members had suggested new ways to protest the policy since tensions erupted last week.

“I think we got an opportunity to all get together now and talk about it,” the Alabama senator said. “Everybody’s interested in it now after nine months, so hopefully, we’ll come up with something that’ll work.”

David Sivak contributed to this report.
