Tucker Carlson Marches Through Streets With Right-Wing Spaniards In Solidarity Against Socialist Government

Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson was seen marching through the streets of Madrid with thousands of protesters in solidarity against a socialist government.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets Sunday to protest acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s plan to give amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for their political support.

Tucker was seen marching with protesters alongside the head of Vox, a conservative political party in Spain.

Tucker marching with the head of Vox in Spain, amidst the socialist coup pic.twitter.com/0RmbNZI0gc

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 13, 2023

Tucker was heard telling one protester he feels “sorry” for them. (RELATED: Survivors Of Communism Claim Democratic Party The New Marxists, GOP The Party Of Freedom)

Tucker told one woman in a video interview that he decided to visit Madrid because the protests are “not getting the coverage it deserves.”

“I mean anyone who would violate your Constitution, potentially use physical violence, to end democracy, is a tyrant, is a dictator, and this is happening in the middle of Europe so we thought it deserved more coverage than it’s actually getting,” he continued.

TUCKER: The world needs to see what is happening in Spain, it’s not getting the coverage it deserves pic.twitter.com/8DC1Y9ZzNS

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 13, 2023

Protesters argue that Sanchez is ignoring the rule of law in order to make political gains, according to Reuters. Sanchez attempted to create his own cabinet and in order to do so he needs seven votes from the Catalan separatist party that started a coup and tried to break away in 2017. Catalan’s leader, Carles Puigdemont, fled to Belgium to avoid being tried. Others involved, who have already been convicted, would also be granted amnesty. Sanchez said he’s willing to grant amnesty in order to get new votes and hold onto power.
