Obama adviser David Axelrod slams Biden’s slow campaign: ‘Get out or get going’

Obama adviser David Axelrod slams Biden’s slow campaign: ‘Get out or get going’

November 14, 2023 08:09 AM

David Axelrod, a Democratic strategist and one-time adviser to former President Barack Obama, is calling on President Joe Biden to “get out or get going” in his 2024 presidential campaign, arguing that the election has increasingly high stakes.

Axelrod, speaking on CNN on Monday, responded to a report from Politico that Biden called him a “p****” in private after the former Obama adviser had been critical of his campaign strategy.


“He wouldn’t be the first, I guess, in my many years in politics. Listen, I understand he was irritated because I raised concerns that many, many Democrats had. And again, you know, my feeling is either get out or get going,” Axelrod said. “But the status quo, the way they were approaching the campaign, this sort of ‘What me, worry?’ attitude about the campaign was not going to get him to where he needs to go.”

“And the stakes are so high. Kasie, this isn’t, you know, Mitt Romney or John McCain or anybody else on the other side. This is Donald Trump. It’s a fundamental question as to what American democracy is going to look like the day after the next election,” he added.

The Democratic strategist predicted that former President Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee next November and that Biden needs to start working harder against his 2020 election opponent, reiterating that the “stakes are very high” for next year’s election.

“He knows that. What I think he needs: He needs to take a sober look at the whole landscape. And yes, he’s committed to moving forward. I get that he ought to, but he ought to then look at what his campaign is doing and what they need to do, and get out of this sort of referendum frame and go after Donald Trump every day because Donald Trump will be the nominee of the Republican Party,” Axelrod said.

Axelrod said he’s hopeful his critical comments made the Biden 2024 campaign reevaluate its strategy and work to “turbocharge” the race back to a competitive state.

Biden’s 2024 reelection efforts have been rocked by a string of recent polls that show the president underperforming against Trump in several key swing states.


Earlier this month, a New York Times/Siena College poll showed Trump leading Biden in five of six swing states just a year from the presidential election. The survey, taken from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, shows Trump up 52% to 41% in Nevada, up 49% to 43% in Georgia, up 49% to 44% in Arizona, up 48% to 43% in Michigan, and up 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania. The poll showed Biden leading Trump 47% to 45% in Wisconsin.

The president has dismissed the bad polls as being cherry-picked, telling reporters last Thursday that they “don’t read the polls” and saying that in eight of 10 of them, he is “beating” Trump.
