EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Andy Biggs Discusses Mayorkas Impeachment, Reveals News From “Classified Briefing” That 2 MILLION+ Illegals Have Crossed Border and “We Don’t Know Who They Are/We Can’t Vet Them” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Andy Biggs Discusses Mayorkas Impeachment, Reveals News From “Classified Briefing” That 2 MILLION+ Illegals Have Crossed Border and “We Don’t Know Who They Are/We Can’t Vet Them” (VIDEO)

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, left, questions FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.
Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, left, questions FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. (Townhall / YouTube screenshots)

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Monday before the House voted on Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

During the interview, Biggs also revealed new information from a classified meeting that more than 2 million illegals have crossed the border, and our federal government has no idea who they are. They could be Hamas terrorists, Chinese spies, drug lords, or other foreign bad actors. We don’t know!

Congressman Biggs also noted,

Biggs: I was the first person to sponsor an impeachment resolution, I sponsored a second resolution, and signed onto every resolution, as far as I know. This guy has basically changed the culture of the United States of America; he’s changed the geography of the United States. If you want to know what failed states–the first thing that goes in a failed nation is to lose control of your geographical integrity. We have lost control of that. This guy is the architect for that. You’ve got people that are dying, I tell you what, you go down there – you’ve been down there, Jordan, so you know – it’s an absolute disaster. And in Arizona right now, what we’re seeing happening at our border is worse than it’s ever been. So, this guy should not be holding any job of any kind of responsibility. Let’s talk about some of the laws he’s broken. How about this one? How about Operational Control and Secure Fence Act of 2006? He came before Congress and said that he had operational control. When we read to him what the law is, he had the audacity to say, Oh, I don’t I don’t care what the official law is. We kind of redefined what operational control is, and under our definition, we have operational control. How about you’re not supposed to release [millions of] people into the country while they await the change of their immigration status?… Anywhere from six to eight years out. How about this one? You have a million and a half people who have removal orders or deportation orders given to them after they’ve had due process in American courts. He’s told them don’t look for them, don’t remove them. That’s the idiocy of what’s happening.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the House voted tonight on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to impeach the failed Homeland Security Secretary.

Eight RINOs voted with Democrats to shelve the resolution and refer it to the Homeland Security Committee to prevent a vote tonight on the resolution itself. The motion was offered by Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA). 13 Republicans did not vote. 

UPDATE: US House Votes with 8 Republicans Joining Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Who Has Overseen the Purposeful Invasion at the US Border

This is the purposeful destruction of America.

Under Joe Biden and Mayorkas’s watch, more than 7 million illegal aliens – probably double that – have poured over the US border.

Greene introduced the resolution to impeach Mayorkas following a tragic incident in which two of her constituents were killed by human traffickers near the border. These deaths and many more are the results of Biden and Mayorkas’ failure to control the border and prevent the entry of terrorists, human traffickers, drugs, and other contraband into the United States.

And the Regime has no doesn’t care. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Mayorkas last month tried to walk back his comments on the urgent need for a border wall after open borders zealots attacked Joe Biden for building a border wall in South Texas.

Additionally, with rising tensions in the Middle East and worldwide, Garrett Lewis reports from Tucson, Arizona, that “there has been an influx of Syrians and Afghans for the last week,” and they are occupying territory.


Illegals housed at the Drexel complex in Pima County have hung a Palestinian flag in the middle of the shelter. Pima County and Catholic Community Services encouraged the illegals to do this. Every supervisor needs to be asked about this to be on the record.

In sending the resolution back to committee, the RINOs voted for the continued destruction of our national sovereignty.

Congressman Biggs spoke to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson before the impeachment vote and after attending the Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines hearing, where experts testified in front of Senator Ron Johnson and GOP House members hosted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. During the hearing, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and attorney Thomas Renz testified on the dangers involved with taking experimental drugs or vaccines and the tragic results of patients giving uninformed consent to be jabbed. Watch a replay of the hearing here.

Watch the full interview below:

Conradson: Sir, we just got out of the Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccinates hearing. What tells me that this isn’t about safety or a virus is the fact that we’re allowing millions of illegal immigrants into our country across the border without checking their vaccine status. So why is it that Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are doing this while pushing the whole COVID hysteria? Is it meant to kill us and put us in danger?

Biggs: Well, I’ve said since day one of the COVID that it was designed to centralize power and control in Washington, DC, and you’ve seen that over and over again. And that’s everything from the lockdowns to mask mandates. Don’t forget my criticism of the masks; I had literally over 100 studies sitting on my desk that said that masks don’t work, right? So, all of that was to bring control and power to DC. At the same time, having an open border, letting millions of people across our border, and distributing them throughout the country, that also is designed to give them control and power in Washington, DC.

Conradson: So today, do you think we’re gonna have the votes to impeach Myorkas in the house? I’m hearing that leadership is trying to Stonewall this. Is that true?

Biggs: There’ll be a motion to table. It’s going to be really close. I can probably think of two or three Republicans that might vote to table it, which would postpone it. But I am hoping that I’m wrong on that. I’m hoping that I’m wrong on that because we need every Republican vote, but my crackerjack team tells me that the count; it only takes three Republicans to vote no, and that’ll table it, and that really has me concerned.

Conradson: I want to get your thoughts on this last thing. Coming from Tucson, Arizona, the great Garret Lewis is reporting that illegals are hanging Palestinian flags inside of one of the complexes where they are housed. With the current climate of the world right now, you know, we’re teetering On World War III and fighting Islam; what are your thoughts on this? What does this say about our national security threat?

Biggs: Well, oddly enough, I just had a classified briefing last week on the numbers of people on terror watchlists, and what their background is, coming in. And those are only the people we know, people that we’ve been able to vet, we’ve been able to interdict. There’s a whole; almost 2 million people or more have come in that we don’t know who they are. We can’t vet them. We don’t know where they’re going; we don’t know what their intentions are. I would say our national security is at risk.

Photo of author

Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona’s elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America’s fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.

