‘So Against The Values Of America’: Nikki Haley Says She Doesn’t ‘Trust’ Vivek Ramaswamy After Heated Debate

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley stated Tuesday on the “Ruthless Podcast” that “something about” fellow contender Vivek Ramaswamy is not only “so against the values of America,” but “not trustful.”

Haley appeared on the podcast to discuss her policies, plans if elected, and reflections on the recent third GOP presidential debate. Following one of the hosts’ comments on how he felt watching the debate, specifically noting the heated moments between her and Ramaswamy, Haley explained her thought process during that night.

“I don’t go in there like, you know, he goes in there with these plans, comments and — you know, the ‘three inch heels.’ Like he had all that. I don’t go and practice like that,” Haley stated. “You know, I go in and it’s a lot of gut and instinct, and you’re just you go– And so I actually was like, ‘You know what, I’m not going to engage. I’m not going to engage him.’ Because we are not going to let this debate be about him.” 

“But what happens? He comes out of the gate — he hits the female chair of the party, he hits the female anchor on the platform, and then he hits me. And I’m not saying anything, but he might have a girl problem. I’m just saying he might have a girl problem.”

“And so you know, when he did that, I’m like, is it gonna be this kind of debate? And I really, if you notice, he said some things and I let it go. But there’s just something about him that like you can’t let it go because it’s like, it’s so against the values of America. It’s so against– I believe in freedom, and I believe in people’s rights and all of those things. But he takes it to a level that’s not trustful. And I’ve said it before. I don’t trust him,” Haley stated. (RELATED: Farewell, Catturd? Nikki Haley Proposes Ban On Anonymous Social Media Accounts)

The Republican National Committee held a third debate hosted by NBC News in Miami for the 2024 presidential candidates on Nov. 8. The highlights largely circled moments between Ramaswamy and Haley, with the two throwing insults at each other.

While Ramaswamy’s most notably dig towards Haley was calling her “Dick Cheney in three inch heels,” Haley ended up calling her fellow candidate “scum” in response to Ramaswamy mentioning her daughter’s use of Tiktok. (RELATED: ‘You’re Just Scum’: Vivek Gets Booed For Bringing Haley’s Daughter Into Debate)

Following the third debate, a 538/Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that 34 percent of likely Republican primary and caucus voters found Haley to be the best performing of the five candidates.
