Joe Biden’s Federal Officers Go to Rural Idaho and Shoot Homeless Man in Wheelchair 11 TIMES, Paralyzing Him – Operation Began with a Devious Trick (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Joe Biden’s Federal Officers Go to Rural Idaho and Shoot Homeless Man in Wheelchair 11 TIMES, Paralyzing Him – Operation Began with a Devious Trick (VIDEO)

Credit: Idaho Statesman

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the multiple ways Joe Biden’s federal thugs have unleashed war on the American people, particularly Trump supporters. Now video has revealed the moment they shot a white homeless man in a wheelchair after using a dirty trick to lure him and his family out in the open.

The Daily Mail and the Idaho Statesman obtained footage of the horrific scene Tuesday. The incident originally happened back in May of this year.

The incident was coordinated by multiple federal agencies including the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service.

The clip shows officers arresting Brooks Roberts’ brother, Timber, and holding him close to an unused school bus where the brothers lived with their mother, Judy, in the Payette National Forest just outside of Boise. They had been left homeless and forced to live off the grid in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic.

Timber yells for assistance and Brooks appears in a wheelchair while holding his arm out towards the officers. The footage then moves as officers appear to duck for cover.

11 shots all from guns of the federal agents are heard next. Brooks can be heard apologizing and telling the officers that he did not know they were cops.

At no time did the police identify themselves nor did Brooks ever fire a weapon.


Brooks’ lawyers say that one of those bullets is now lodged in his spine permanently and he may never walk again.

He was hospitalized for almost five months before being released in September according to the Idaho Statesman. He is paralyzed from the waist down and has limited use of his right arm.

The Intercept reported that the operation began with a devious trick. Two officers approached Timber and said they needed help starting their car, so he promptly went out to get his truck and retrieve jumper cables. The officers then grabbed Timber and forced him to the ground as he screamed.

Craig Durham, one of Brooks’ attorneys, revealed to the website that the federal cops preyed on the “good graces” of the Roberts family just so they could place them in handcuffs.

Federal police officers planned in secret to arrest this homeless family on minor misdemeanor offenses by preying on their good graces. Officers knew that the family would help two people that they thought were stranded motorists.

It’s a shame that in the wealthiest nation on earth, our federal government will expend so many resources to hassle a homeless family, botch an arrest so badly, and permanently injure someone, rather than just help them find a place to live.

Brooks and his attorneys have filed a claim against the United States Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Agriculture. They are seeking $50 million in monetary damages for “extreme suffering” caused by the shooting according to the Intercept.

The claim alleges Brooks did not fire his gun and tossed it on the ground several feet away when he realized the men were police. But the feds shot him in the back while he was defenseless per the claim.

The Idaho Statesman reported Tuesday that Brooks, Timber, and Judy Roberts pleaded guilty through agreements with prosecutors. Brooks and Judy are set to be sentenced on Jan. 4 in the James A. McClure Federal Building in Boise.

Timber has already been sentenced and received no additional jail time. He also is on unsupervised probation.

While the Roberts family should have vacated the area, there was zero reason for federal police to treat them like violent criminals and resort to dirty tricks. But this has been the Biden regime’s modus operandi for the past three years.

