IDF Finds Terror Tunnels and Rocket Launchers at US- and EU-Funded Hamas University in Gaza | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson

IDF Finds Terror Tunnels and Rocket Launchers at US- and EU-Funded Hamas University in Gaza

Weapons discovered at Al-Azhar university; photo: IDF


Al-Azhar University is the main training facility of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood  in Gaza. It was funded with $10,000 by the US government in 2019, and with €5 million by the EU 2015-2020. Now IDF troops have reached the campus and found extensive military infrastructure and armaments.

Hamas used Al-Azhar University to build and store Qassam rockets to shoot at Israel. Videos circulated on Nov. 4 showed it being destroyed by IAF air strikes.

Now IDF ground forces have reached the ruins of the Hamas university and unearthed extensive terror tunnels and weapons caches.

A terror tunnel was discovered  running from the university yard to a school 1 kilometer away, along with weapons, explosives, and rockets.

IDF troops located terror infrastructure on the university campus,, including an underground tunnel that ran from the university’s yard and continued to a school one kilometer away, Israel National News – Arutz Sheva reports. Numerous weapons, including explosive devices, rocket parts, launchers, explosive device detonation systems, and other technological assets were located and taken for an intelligence analysis and investigation, Arutz Sheva writes.

Hamas used university buildings for attacks against IDF forces, the troops found. IDF troops conducted a raid on a Hamas observation control room in the area of the Shati Hospital, where 200 communication devices and dozens of cameras were located.

In the area of the Hamas observation control room, an operational tunnel shaft, magazines, grenades, a sniper post, military equipment, and firing holes were located.

The Fulbright Program has funded at least a dozen Al-Azhar University “scholars” since 1994, allowing them to travel to the United States and do God knows what. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) granted the Hamas university €175,000 in 2015, a statement by Al-Azhar said.

The Hamas-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) had criticized the “far-right” and “racist apartheid” Israeli government’s bombardment of the terror University as part of a “genocidal campaign” of “indiscriminate attacks on refugee camps”.

Now it seems the IAF was perfectly justified in bombing Al-Azhar. CAIR has yet to comment.

Spealking at the American Muslims for Palestine convention in Chicago on Nov. 24, CAIR’s national executive director Nihad Awad said that “The people of Gaza have the right to self-defense … Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense.” He added that he was “happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land.”

On Dec. 1 at a speech to the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, the executive director of the Los Angeles CAIR chapter, Hussam Ayloush, argued that Israel “does not have the right to defend itself, as an occupier to defend itself from the occupied. No, it doesn’t, this is not a rhetorical thing. … It doesn’t, legally, under international law. No occupier has the right to defend itself from the occupied.”

The White House has now stealth-edited its website to remove mention of CAIR, JNS reports. White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told reporters that the White House condemns “shocking, antisemitic statements” of CAIR’s executive director “in the strongest terms.”

“The horrific, brutal terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on Oct. 7 were, as [U.S.] President [Joe] Biden said, ‘abhorrent’ and represent ‘unadulterated evil,’” Mr. Bates said. “Oct. 7 was the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. The atrocities of that day shock the conscience, which is why we can never forget the pain Hamas has caused for so many innocent people.”

“There are families who are in agony mourning loved ones, and there are also families in agony as they do everything in their power to free loved ones being held hostage,” Mr. Bates states. “Every leader has a responsibility to call out antisemitism wherever it rears its ugly head.”


The Israel Guys: Hamas’s Dangerous Infiltration Into America | Episode #3 



