Almost Twice As Many Democrats As Republicans Believe The ‘Holocaust Is A Myth,’ New Poll Finds

Democrats are leading the charge when it comes to believing the Holocaust is a myth, a new survey by YouGov showed.

Of those who answered the YouGov survey, 10% of Democrats believe the Holocaust is a myth. Conversely, 6% of Republicans also believe the Holocaust is a myth. While the majority of Americans do, in fact, believe the Holocaust was a real event, most who deny it are under the age of 30, according to the poll.

[YouGov Survey] Top groups that believe the Holocaust didn’t happen:

-Democrats: 10% (vs 5% of Republicans)
-Black people: 13% (vs 5% white people)
-City residents: 14% (vs 3% rural people)
-Young people: 20% (vs 0% of age 65+)

Jewish leftists are gonna have a really hard time…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 8, 2023

Roughly 20% of people from ages 18 to 29 believe the Holocaust is a myth, while 36% in the same age group said Israel “exploits Holocaust victimhood,” YouGov found. Roughly 10% of all men deny the Holocaust took place, while only 4% of women thought the same, according to the poll.

More Americans said antisemitism is a major problem in 2023 compared to 2019, although Democrats and Republicans disagreed on if boycotting Israel is antisemitic, according to the poll. Democrats and Republicans also reportedly disagreed over which demographic was most victimized by hate crimes.

“Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to say hate crimes against Black, Muslim, and Arab people in the U.S. are serious problems. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say hate crimes against Christians and white people are serious,” Kathy Frankovic of YouGov wrote. (RELATED: Hamas Attack Was ‘Reminiscent’ Of Nazi Mobile Killing Units, Counter-Terror Expert Says)

Antisemitic attacks have risen across the United States since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. More than 100 House Democrats refused Thursday to vote on a resolution condemning antisemitism.
